Acts 2 & the. Structure of Sermon 1 Crowd:What does this mean? They are full of sweet wine Peter:No, we are not drunk This is what Joel spoke about Spirit.


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Presentation transcript:

Acts 2 & the

Structure of Sermon 1 Crowd:What does this mean? They are full of sweet wine Peter:No, we are not drunk This is what Joel spoke about Spirit poured out Day of the Lord Everyone who calls on Lord’s name will be saved

Structure of Sermon 2 Peter:Who is the Lord who must be invoked? Life 22 Death 23 Resurrection Prophecy: Psalm 16 Eyewitnesses Exaltation Eyewitnesses Prophecy: Psalm 110 God made Jesus Lord!

Structure of Sermon 3 Crowd:What shall we do Peter: Follow Joel: Interpretation of 21 Everyone who calls = repent and be baptized Name of the Lord = name of Jesus Christ Saved = forgiveness of sins Receive Holy Spirit Promise is for all As many as Lord shall call: rest of Joel 2:32 Be saved from perverse generation 19-20

Summary 42: Apostles’ teaching 42: Fellowship 42: Breaking bread 42: Prayer Details 43: wonders and signs through apostles 44-45: sharing possessions 46: mentions meals together 47: praising God

All believers baptized in Spirit O.T. expectation: Ezek 36:26-27; 37:14; 39:29; Isa 32:15; 44:3-5; Zech 12:10 Acts 2:38 Luke 3:15-16: notice the ‘alls’ Titus 3:5-6: Holy Spirit poured out upon us richly 1 Cor 12:13: best translation is all baptized in one Spirit John 3:5Born of water = water baptism Born of spirit = spirit baptism John 7:37-39 Ephesians 5:18; 2:19-22

1 Corinthians 13: love is better than spiritual gifts 8-13: Because it lasts longer Gifts will cease 8 Because revelation is in part 9 When perfect revelation comes, parts done away 10 Analogies Childhood vs adulthood -Dim mirror seeing vs seeing oneself face to face -Know in part vs know fully 3 time periods 13 -Time of gifts plus faith, hope, love -Time where only faith, hope and love abide -Time where only love abides (2 Cor 5:7; Rom 8:24-25)

Questions about reflexively appending ‘through the Word’ to every statement of what the Holy Spirit does on our behalf Raises from the dead: Rom 8:9-11 Intercedes for us: Rom 8:26-27 Dwells in us (we are temple): 1 Cor 6:19-20; 2 Tim 1:14, etc. Sent forth into our hearts: Gal 4:6 Given into our hearts as a pledge: 2 Cor 1:21-22; 5:5; Eph. 1:13-14; see 4:30 Given to us: Acts 5:32; 1 Thes 4:8; Luke 11:13 Strengthens us: Eph 3:16 Puts to death the deeds of the body: Rom 8:13 Bears fruit: Gal 5:22-23 Writes letter on our hearts: 2 Cor 3:3

Psalm 16: about David, about the faithful, about Jesus Character:-Takes refuge in God -God is his Lord -Have no good besides God -All his delight is in the saints -Does not speak about idols Blessings:-Lord is portion -Lord counsels and instructs -Lord is with and stabilizes Hope:-Not abandoned to death -Path of life; pleasures in God’s right hand