D AILY G RAMMAR P RACTICE (DGP) MYP Honors English 1B Sentence 4
DGP - T UESDAY Capitalization & Punctuation and Parts of Speech
C ORRECT A NSWER Each of the players was working on his batting average as the team practiced. capital “E” period after “practiced”
S ENTENCE Each of the players was working on his batting average as the team practiced. Word Bank: 2 pronouns (pro) 3 verbs (av/past or av/pres or lv or hv) 2 articles (art) 1 participle (part) 3 nouns (n) 1 subordinating conjunction (sc) 2 prepositions (prep)
C OMPARE Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you identified the same verbs. “I labeled _____, _____, and _____ as verbs because ___________________________.”
C ORRECT A NSWER Each of the players was working on his batting average as the team practiced. Each; his = pronouns (pro) was working; practiced = verbs (hv + av/past; av/past) the; the = articles (art) batting = participle (part) players; average; team = nouns (n) as = subordinating conjunction (sc) of; on = prepositions (prep)
R EFLECTION Please take a minute to write a reflection of what you learned today in the appropriate section of your DGP weekly worksheet.
DGP - W EDNESDAY Sentence Parts and Phrases
S ENTENCE Each of the players was working on his batting average as the team practiced. Word Bank: 1 subject (underline and label with “S”) 1 predicate (double-underline and label with “P”) 2 prepositional phrases (in parentheses and labeled with “prep ph”) 2 objects of the preposition (label with “obj prep”)
C OMPARE Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you identified the same subject. “I labeled ________ as the subject because __________.”
C ORRECT A NSWER Each of the players was working on his batting average as the team practiced. Each = subject (the “who” or “what” of the verb) was working on his batting average as the team practiced = predicate (what the subject is doing or being; the verb and its modifiers) of the players; on his batting average = prepositional phrases (group of words beginning with a pronoun and ending with a noun or pronoun) players; average = object of the preposition (follows preposition and tells “what?” or “whom?”)
R EFLECTION Please take a minute to write a reflection of what you learned today in the appropriate section of your DGP weekly worksheet.
DGP - T HURSDAY Clauses and Sentence Types
S ENTENCE Each of the players was working on his batting average as the team practiced. Word Bank: 1 independent clause (put in brackets & label “IC”) 1 dependent clause (underline & label “DC”) sentence type (choose 1) simple, compound, complex, compound-complex sentence purpose (choose 1) interrogative, imperative, declarative, exclamatory
C OMPARE Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you identified the same independent clause. “I labeled ________ as the independent clause because __________.”
C ORRECT A NSWER Each of the players was working on his batting average as the team practiced. Each of the players was working on his batting average = independent clause (contains a subject and a verb; can stand on its own) as the team practiced = dependent clause (cannot stand on its own; missing a subject or a predicate) Sentence type = complex (contains one dependent clause & one independent clause) Sentence purpose = declarative (makes a statement)
R EFLECTION Please take a minute to write a reflection of what you learned today in the appropriate section of your DGP weekly worksheet.
DGP – F RIDAY Weekly Quiz!