Short Answer Questions What are some military reason why the Assyrians were so successful? used body armor, iron weapons, siege engines, pontoon bridges, use of phalanx How did Assyria rule their conquered lands? Divided into provinces, demanded tribute/taxes, moved people to other lands, cruelty What is the difference between Assyrian conquests to Persian conquest? Who would you rather lose to and why? Assyrians were cruel and force people to pay tribute and move to distant lands while the Persians were lenient and allowed people to practice their customs. The second part is opinion and support.
What is the name of the Hebrew bible? Torah Who is the “father” of the Jewish people? Abraham Who led the Israelites out of Egypt? Moses How many tribes of Israel were there? Twelve Who force the Philistines on of Palestine but had bouts of jealousy? Saul
What is a Covenant? It is a mutual promise between God and the founder of the Jewish people. What term is the belief in one God? Monotheism What did Moses receive on Mt. Sinai? Ten Commandments What was the capital of the Jews? Jerusalem Who killed a Philistine named Goliath and helped unite Israel? David
Who built a temple in Jerusalem with bronze pillars and room lined with gold, he had high taxes and forced labor? Solomon What are Israel and Judah? The two kingdoms that formed after the death of Solomon What was it called when Nebuchadnezzar took the Jews out of their homeland? Babylonian Captivity _______ was a famous judge, this was rare considering men controlled government and women were not allowed to run religious ceremonies. Deborah
What is the Ark of the Covenant? It held Moses’ tablets of law. Who are the teachers who interpret God’s law? Prophets Who was the Persian king the allowed the Jews to go back to their homeland? Cyrus the Great
SECTION 2 Chapter 4
Who conquered Babylon and killed most of its people, he bragged about destroying 89 cities and 820 villages? (We read about his attack on Jerusalem) Sennacherib Who had the Hanging Gardens built for his wife because she missed her homeland? Nebuchadnezzar Who had one of the greatest libraries built, it had over 20,000 clay tablets including the Epic of Gilgamesh. Ashurbanipal What was the capital of the Assyrian Empire? Nineveh
SECTION 3 Chapter 4
Who was the founder of the Persian Empire, the Jews called him one of God’s anointed ones? Cyrus the Great Who conquered Egypt but was not as lenient has his father to the Egyptians? Cambyses What are the Ten Thousand Immortals? They are the body guard of the Persian king that are heavily armed. What civilization gave the idea of coinage to the Persian? Lydians Who is Zoroaster? Started a monotheistic religion where this is a spirit of good versus spirit of evil.
Who was a body guard turned emperor stretch the Persia Empire to new heights? Darius What is lapis lazuli? Blue rock that is used in decorations and jewelry. What is the name of the Persian God that represents god? Ahura Mazda Who or what are satraps? Persian governors.