Thru the Bible in 24 Weeks
Introduction The Bible contains stories of the greatest EVILS..... betrayals, revenge, deception The ultimate Prince of Deception - Satan The Bible contains stories of the greatest GOOD..... miracles, achievements, courage The greatest sacrifice for you and me The crucifixion & resurrection Of Jesus Christ our Lord!
Numbers Hebrew: Be-midbar “in the wilderness” Book lasts 38 years 9 months About BC Consequence of Disobedience
How did we get Numbers? Greek translation was Arithmoi (Arithmetic) Latin translation was Numeri Why? Translators focused on the census – “number” of people at the beginning of the trip and the end of the trip
Day 40 of the 40 year Trip Moses sent 12 spies to spy out the Promised Land 10 reported they saw Nephilim Giants (a hybrid fallen angels & females) 2 (Joshua & Caleb) reported land is rich – let’s go! What decision do you think the Israelites made?
BIG MISTAKE Children of Israel trusted 10 spies Children of Israel did not trust God God gave them the desire of their hearts Moses begged God not to wipe them out Moses not allowed to go into Promised Land Who was allowed to go into Promised Lane?
Joshua & Caleb Joshua & Caleb were only ones in Promised Land WHY? TUPOS Scripture tells us it was for our “example” for us to learn a “lesson” from – to apply to our lives. What Giants have made you not trust God? Or have less faith than you could have?
Deuteronomy The Second Law / Repetition of the Law Hebrew: Haddebarim, "The Words” Farewell words of 120 year old Moses to new generation (children of escaped Egyptian slaves) to obey The Law – renewal of covenant Jesus quoted from this book MORE than any other Old Testament Book
Deuteronomy 10: “And now, Israel, what does the L ORD your God require of you, but to fear the L ORD your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the L ORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, 13 and to keep the commandments of the L ORD and His statutes which I command you today for your good?
You shall have no other gods before me Authority: God “should” be our top priority and final authority. Obedience. Dignity: Worship with a proper view of God. Not self- serving. Not world’s standards. Commitment: Our commitment to God is a serious commitment – above reproach. Rights and Privileges: Dedicate things to him; ask for compassion in His name.
You shall not make for yourself an idol Divine Dignity Not to be vulnerable to the influences of pagan religion (worldly ways) True worship gives Yahweh His proper place
You shall not misuse the name of the Lord Commitment to God reflected in your conduct Commitment to Deity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) Taking God SERIOUS
Observe the Sabbath – Keep it Holy Right & Privilege of Deity - Father, Son, Holy Spirit Recognition of God’s creation Gratitude (delivering Israel from Egypt) Source of everything we have – our freedom More than Sabbath – honoring God in all ways!
Honor your Father and Mother Honoring Human Authority – Human relationships Core: Dad & Mom taught children of the covenant God communicated through the Prophets Priests instructed people Word of God Kings responsible for system, based on God Judges enforced system, based on God’s Word
Shall not murder, commit adultery, steal Human Dignity Murder: Capital punishment, war? Our tongue? Adultery: ANY sex outside of marriage / unmarried Stealing: Kidnapping? Not just tangible things
…not give false testimony against your neighbor Humankind 1 st : Who is our neighbor? The 6 houses around us? What we say to them and about them Take your commitments seriously Deal TRUTHFULLY with EVERYONE
Do not covet anything belonging to your neighbor Human Rights and Privileges 1 st : Who is our neighbor? The 6 houses around us? Definition: desiring what someone else has Individual rights to be protected – justice, food, shelter, bear children, fair treatment, fair wages? Do not take any of your rights for granted!
Jesus: Luke 10:27 New King James Version (NKJ) You shall love the L ORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.