Moses’ Strategic Thinking Staying focused on the big picture Communing with the Lord (Exodus 24) Came back re-energized Purpose was evident and clear Moses would always assess where he was in his leadership, making sure he was doing what was best for his people Retreating from the crowd Consulting God on important matters Listened with intent Was still and waited for an answer Moses would always retreat when he felt overwhelmed, he always sought the Lord on matters where he felt insecure (Exodus 19)
Moses’ Strategic Thinking Valuing downtime Making sure that employees aren’t overworked Establishing a day of rest, the Sabbath “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths.’” (Exodus 31:12-13) Workers who are well rested and not overworked tend to be more productive as employees Finding the right people for leadership Caleb and Joshua were the only two who believed Israel could triumph (Numbers 14:30) They believed in the mission and vision that Moses’ established
Moses’ Strategic Influence Make sacrifices, but not at the expense of family (Hays, J. D., 2000) Moses often sacrificed his own family and ambitions for the sake of being a good leader People are always watching where a leader’s priorities lie Putting family first is a great example of being a good leader It instills trust, showing employees you can take care of them
Moses’ Strategic Influence Moses influenced the lives of all of the Israelites by leading them to the Promised Land (Hays, J. D., 2000) Delivered on his promise to the people Saw them through the hardest of times Unwavering in his faithfulness to God and His vision Followed through in the face of controversy Moses was a humble man “Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.” (Numbers 12:3)
Moses’ Strategic Acting The Burning Bush – making sure you gain insight from things that are not normal (Exodus 3) Taking the time to investigate and listen to things outside the norm Exploring opportunities that others tend to overlook Moses understood that the burning bush was not normal so he should pay all the more attention Listening and obeying Making sure that when upper management tells you to do something, you do it, without complaining Moses did what God asked of him even though he was skeptical “But Moses said to God ‘Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?’” (Exodus 3:11)
Moses’ Strategic Acting Do not compromise the vision When Moses was approached by Pharaoh to disobey God’s orders he refused, knowing to keep with the vision (Exodus 7-11) Follow through on orders Moses didn’t understand how he could get all of the Israelites across the Red Sea, but he was told to do it, so he followed through (Exodus 13)
Moses’ Strategic Acting Be ready to reprimand employees When Miriam disobeyed Moses allowed her to have leprosy for seven days (Numbers 12:10-15) Moses scolded Aaron (Numbers 12)
Moses’ Strategic Leadership Teams Aaron, his brother (Exodus 4 & 7) Jethro, his father-in-law (Exodus 4 & 18) Elders of Israel (Exodus 4)
References Faith Church (2013, December 15). Bishop TD Jakes Leadership Project – Moses [Video file]. Retrieved from Hays, J. D. (2000, 08). Moses the private man behind the public leader. BR, 16, Retrieved from ?accountid=34777 Holy Bible. (2011). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.