LAY PERSON’S EVENT DESCRIPTION: Teams will construct a mousetrap-powered vehicle that: moves as fast as humanly possible, and moves as straight as humanly possible, then miraculously stops after traveling between 7 and 8 meters, then miraculously reverses direction, then moves as fast as humanly possible, then stops as precisely as humanly possible at the center of the line where the vehicle started MOUSETRAP VEHICLE
DESCRIPTION: Teams will design, build, and test a vehicle that uses one or two snap mousetraps as the sole propulsion energy source to travel a distance and return to the starting line center as quickly as possible. TEAM SIZE: 1 or 2 students IMPOUNDMENT: Yes EVENT TIME: 10 minutes to start two runs 2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE
EVENT PARAMETERS: Students must bring and correctly wear ANSI Z87+ High Impact Goggles while preparing and running their vehicle. (Eye Protection #5 on MOUSETRAP VEHICLE N.C. EVENT CLARIFICATION: Students must bring and correctly wear ANSI Z87+ High Impact Goggles or Spectacles while preparing and running their vehicle. (Eye Protection #5 on
The view of the world for a nervous student wearing safety goggles in a warm room:
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE CONSTRUCTION PARAMETERS Only 1 or 2 snap mousetraps must be used as energy sources. Mousetrap bases must be less than 6.0 cm x 12.0 cm. All the original parts of the mousetrap must remain in place. All of the vehicle’s kinetic energy must originate from the mousetrap(s). Any additional energy sources must be at their lowest states at the beginning of the run.
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE CONSTRUCTION PARAMETERS All parts of the vehicle must move as a whole, i.e. no anchors, tie downs, launching ramps, or other separate pieces are allowed. Reversing and stopping mechanisms must work automatically. The vehicle may not be tethered or remotely controlled in any way to guide it, reverse it, or make it stop. The vehicle must have a fixed, pointed object somewhere on the perimeter of the vehicle that extends down to within 1.0 cm of the track’s surface.
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE CONSTRUCTION PARAMETERS The fixed point must be easily accessible to the Event Supervisor without lifting or moving the vehicle. The vehicle’s wheel base must be between 30.0 cm and 34.0 cm. The vehicle’s maximum wheel width must be ≤ 25.0 cm. Sighting devices which do not use electricity are permitted, i.e. no lasers. No part of the vehicle, other than the wheels, may contact the floor or tape defining the track at any time.
Construction Recommendations: This event will be very difficult… START EARLY!!! The vehicle’s wheel base must be between 30.0 cm and 34.0 cm… design your wheel base to be about 32 cm. The vehicle’s maximum wheel width is ≤ 25.0 cm… design your wheel width to be less than 24 cm. The vehicle’s fixed, pointed object must extend down to within 1.0 cm of the track’s surface… design your fixed point to be about 0.75 cm above the track MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE VEHICLE
Construction Recommendations: The biggest challenge will be the successful reversing of direction without interfering with the forward movement. The dynamics of the reverse movement might change the static steering of the vehicle. Design Goal: Simple, robust, failsafe, precise, adjustable, and consistent. This event will be very difficult… START EARLY!!! 2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE VEHICLE
Wheel Base 30.0 – 34.0 cm Wheel Width < 25.0 cm Fixed Point < 1.0 cm above track surface < 12.0 cm < 6.0 cm Mousetrap < 1.0 cm Track Surface
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE TRACK Start/ Finish Line 3.50 m 7.00 m 8.00 m 1.50 m
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE COMPETITION Start/ Finish Line 3.50 m 7.00 m 8.00 m Start/ Finish Line
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE COMPETITION Start/ Finish Line 3.50 m 7.00 m 8.00 m Start/ Finish Line
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE COMPETITION Start/ Finish Line 3.50 m 7.00 m 8.00 m Start/ Finish Line
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE COMPETITION Start/ Finish Line 3.50 m 7.00 m 8.00 m 1,000 point penalty! Start/ Finish Line
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE COMPETITION Start/ Finish Line 3.50 m 7.00 m 8.00 m Start/ Finish Line
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE COMPETITION Start/ Finish Line 3.50 m 7.00 m 8.00 m 2,000 point penalty! Start/ Finish Line
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE COMPETITION Start/ Finish Line 3.50 m 7.00 m 8.00 m Penalty: Don’t ask! Start/ Finish Line Does not reverse!
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE COMPETITION PARAMETERS The vehicles, any replacement mousetraps, and any other setup materials must be impounded. Tools, data sheets, and eye protection do not have to be impounded. Corded power tools are not allowed. Teams can choose to start their vehicle anywhere along the starting line with the fixed point directly above it. A target may be placed at the 7 m line to aid in alignment, but must be removed before each run.
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE COMPETITION PARAMETERS The vehicle must be able to remain at the starting position without being touched until the trigger is released using a pencil, pen, dowel, or similar device. It is considered a run if the vehicle moves any distance after the trigger has been released. The students cannot set up their vehicle by rolling it down or along the side of the track. The students may not push nor constrain the vehicle during release or touch their vehicle during a run.
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE COMPETITION PARAMETERS If the vehicle starts moving in the wrong direction, it will be considered a failed run. If the vehicle is inadvertently started before the Event Supervisor is ready, it will be considered a failed run. Teams will have 10 minutes of Event Time to set up and start two runs. If the second run has started before the 10 minute period has elapsed, it will be allowed to run to completion.
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE COMPETITION PARAMETERS Time used by the Event Supervisor for assessment and measuring will not be included in the Event Time. Teams may not follow their vehicle down the track. They must wait until called by the Event Supervisor to observe their finish distance and pick up their vehicle. At this point, the Event Time will resume during which teams may take any measurements or make any adjustments to their vehicle. Teams who wish to file an appeal must leave their vehicle with the Event Supervisor.
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE SCORE LOW SCORE determines the winner. Run Score is the sum of : Distance Score Lane Bonus Overrun Penalty Time Score Lowest (best) of the two Run Scores is used.
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE DISTANCE SCORE Distance Score for vehicles that DO reverse direction: Distance measured in centimeters (to 0.1 cm) from the center of the starting line to the fixed point. 1,000 points added for vehicles that travel more than 3.5 meters but less than 7 meters. 2,000 points added for vehicles that travel less than 3.5 meters. Example: Vehicle stops about 5 meters from starting point, reverses, then stops 12.3 cm from starting point ,000 = 1,012.3 points
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE DISTANCE SCORE Distance Score for vehicles that DO NOT reverse direction: Absolute value of minus the distance measured in centimeters (to 0.1 cm) from the center of the starting line to the fixed point. These vehicles will be placed in Tier 2. Example: Vehicle stops cm from starting point, but does not reverse. | – | = 89.1 points Ranking: Tier 2
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE DISTANCE SCORE Start/ Finish Line Distance 12.3 cm 12.3 cm = 12.3 points
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE LANE BONUS A Lane Bonus of -20 points is awarded to any vehicle whose fixed point remains inside the tape defining the 1.50 meter lane between the starting line and the 8 meter line while traveling in both directions.
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE LANE BONUS Start/ Finish Line -20 point bonus!
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE LANE BONUS Start/ Finish Line No lane point bonus!
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE OVERRUN PENALTY An Overrun Penalty shall be assessed if the fixed point crosses the 8 meter line as follows: 50 points is added for crossing the line, and an additional 50 points is added for each additional 0.5 m of travel.
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – OVERRUN PENALTY 8 Meter Line +50 pt Penalty +50 pt 8.5 m9.5 m9 m
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – OVERRUN PENALTY 8 Meter Line +50 pt Penalty +50 pt 8.5 m9.5 m9 m Penalty +100 pt
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – OVERRUN PENALTY 8 Meter Line +50 pt Penalty +50 pt 8.5 m9.5 m9 m Penalty +100 ptPenalty +150 pt
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE TIME SCORE The Time Score shall be the time of each run in seconds, measured in 0.01 seconds. The time of a run starts when the vehicle begins movement. If the vehicle does not reverse within three seconds after coming to a stop, the total run time will be the time of motion plus the three seconds. If the vehicle reverses direction, the run time will stop once all motion ceases. At Regionals, the Time Score is 1 point for every second. At States, it is 2 points for every second. At Nationals, it is 4 points for every second.
Run time is 7.89 seconds Regional:7.89 seconds × 1 = 7.89 points State:7.89 seconds × 2 = points Nation: 7.89 seconds × 4 = points 2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE TIME SCORE
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE SCORE LOW SCORE determines the winner. Run Score is the sum of : Distance Score Lane Bonus Overrun Penalty Time Score Lowest (best) of the two Run Scores is used.
2010 MOUSETRAP VEHICLE – THE SCORE Determination of TIERS: 1st Tier:A run with no violations and reverses its direction of travel. 2nd Tier: A run with no violations but does not reverse its direction of travel. 3rd Tier: A run with Competition Violations. 4th Tier: A run with Construction Violations or both Competition and Construction Violations.