PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 1 IMPLEMENTATION OF PILOT PESTICIDE USE SURVEY 3nd Joint Workshop on Pesticide Indicators (17-18 January 2008 – Malta)
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 2 1.Introduction - Sample frame and selection - Designing of questionnaire and implementation of the survey - Analysis of data - Problems encountered 1.Preliminary results 2.Future works and plans CONTENTS
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 3 The selected crops for the pilot survey are following: Wheat Potatoes Tomatoes Peach Long green pepper (Undercover vegetable cultivation) Introduction
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 4 Sample frame Registers of MARA were used Direct Income Payment Sample selection First 3 provinces have highest production for each crop type selected Holdings grouped by size Probability sampling proportion to size – PPS 1. Introduction
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 5 Good practice agricultural holdings > 50 da arable land Bad practice agricultural holdings < 50 da arable land %20 non-response rate considered (total 315 agricultural holdings will be surveyed) Criterias in sample selection
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 6 For each crop type differrent questionnaire were designed I. Part Identification of the holdings II. Part Area harvested and seed treatment III. Part PPP application (commercial name, application date and method, crop stage and amount of ppp applied) Designing of the questionnaire
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 7 Face to face interview by Regional Offices of TURKSTAT Technical assistance of the technical staff of district offices of MARA were provided for identification of the ppp names Implementing period: Mid of October – End of October Data entry: Regional offices through web based program Implementation of the survey
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 8 Still continue... Tables produced until now (for all crops) 1.Number of holdings responding questionnaire 2.Reason for use ppp 3.Number of ppp application by months 4.Number of ppp application by crop stage 5.Effects of ppp usage Analysis of data
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 9 Tables produced only for potato 1.Basic area treated (ha) 2.Formulation area treated (ha) 3.Proportion of treated area (%) 4.Active substance (AS) applied (kg) 5.Proportion of AS applied (%) 6.Application rate of AS (kg/ha) PPP commercial names have been corrected for potato, wheat, tomato and green pepper Analysis of data
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 10 Problems encountered 1.Unavailibility of updated database for ppp and active substances 2.Identification of commercial products’ names by farmer (about 25% of the products name was not identified) 3.Identification of amount of ppp applied by farmers 4.Unavailability of ppp usage data by each parcel
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 11 Preliminary Results Product Total number of holdings surveyed Number of holdings questionnaire applied Number of holdings refused to be interviewed Number of holdings closedOther Wheat Potato Tomato Peach G.Pepper
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 12 Reason for use (Number) Product Number of holdings having pest management Number of applicationDiseasePestWeed Wheat Potato Tomato Peach G.Pepper
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 13 Months Product Number of holdings having pest management Total number of application Wheat Potato Tomato Peach Green Pepper
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 14 PPP use for potato seed treatment Group Active Substances Area treated (ha) % of total area treated Amount of active substances (kg) % of total weight applied Rate of ppp used (kg/ha) FungicideCaptan Cymoxanil Fludioxynil Fosetyl Al Mancozeb Maneb Metalaxyl InsecticideAcetamiprid Thiamethoxa m İmidacloprid
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 15 PPP treatment for potato GroupActive Substances Area treate d (ha) % of total area treated Amount of active substanc es (kg) % of total weight applied Rate of ppp used (kg/ha) FungicideBakıroksiklorid Captan Chlorothalonil Famoxadone Herbicide2,4 D Asit İsooctylester ,4-D ACID DIMETHYLAMIN Haloxyfop-r-methylester InsecticideAcetamiprid Azinphos-methyl Carbofuron Chlorfenvinphos
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 16 1.To prepare a model database for ppp harmonised with EUROSTAT PUS reporting format - commercial names - chemical class - active substances - crops and diseases that will be used - recommended rate 3. Future works and plans
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group Analysis of the results by size (>50 da and < 50 da for potato and wheat) 3. Preperation of the final report No pesticide use survey can be planned until 2011!!! 3. Future works and plans
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Department Agricultural Statistics Group 18 THANK YOU...