Maths workshop Times tables 10th March Thank you for coming
Aim of the session today…. Share times table expectations for each year group Talk through the importance of learning times tables Share ideas of ways to help at home Practically, try some examples of ways to help teach tables To have questions answered Go away with a pack and some ideas to try at home
What are the expectations?
Steps in learning the times table Solving simple problems with resources, involving doubling and sharing small numbers. Children will then focus on a specific table To count up in multiples (jumps) of this number. To recite the table fully e.g. zero times three is zero, one times three is three… To answer random multiplication questions on this table e.g. what is four times three? What is the product of seven and three? Remember the different vocabulary you can use. To answer random division questions on this table e.g. how many threes in twelve? What is eighteen divided by three? This To show a deeper understanding To use and apply their times table knowledge. This is where children can make links in their learning and extend/challenge themselves further e.g. problem solving.
How can children learn? They need to see it – pictorial form. They need a concrete method to secure their understanding. Abstract form- use and apply, to deepen their understanding. Reception- Doubling and halving (sharing) numbers up to 20 using equipment and linked to other learning. Year 1 and 2- Commutative law (arrays etc) is introduced to enable children to make the links between tables and begin to look at groups of/ sharing (division). Year 2 and 3 – Link multiplication and division facts – looking at the appropriate tables for their year group. Year 4 – Secure knowledge of all tables up to 12x12 and understand associated division facts. The children will learn this in different forms and have opportunities to use this knowledge in different areas of the maths curriculum. Year 5 and 6 - Secure all multiplication and division facts - Develop the level of complexity and type of question - Increase the use of mental methods * All year groups need pictorial representations and resources. *Problem solving is also used in all year groups to deepen learning, challenge and extend. * Children are expected to talk about their learning in maths and use reasoning skills to explain themselves.
Why are times tables so important? It is a skill children will use in life and need to be able to understanding it and often be able to do it mentally e.g. cakes for a party. Times table knowledge underpins a lot of mathematical understanding and as the children move up the years it becomes more crucial. A good understanding of tables helps with learning long multiplication, division, fractions, percentages, ratio, area and more. Children who don’t know their times tables and associated facts by the end of year 4 are at a disadvantage when learning the year 5 and 6 curriculum. The lack of knowledge can become a barrier to learning other areas of maths e.g. If children are working on a problem and need a multiplication fact which they don’t know, they have to move away from the problem to work out the fact. This often causes them to lose track of where they are in the problem. Mistakes? Time lost?
Ideas What we have in our packs… What can we do with a multiplication square? Look at the laminated cards Counters- so useful but pasta or buttons work too. Lets try some (you have a help sheet in your pack) Super fingers-The game is basically a version of rock, paper , scissors but with numbers. Two players count to 3 and then make a number using their fingers. Tricky sixes-Six times tables can be tricky to learn. One helpful trick is that in the 6 times tables, when you multiply an even number by 6, they both end in the same digit. 2 x 6 = 12 6 x 6 = 36 Do you think this will work for others? 8x6= or 18x6= Multiple catch- A sample game of catch but you have to say the multiple (make it more fun- add a silly voice).
Websites that might help…
Thank you for coming Please get a drink if you would like one and look around the workshop tables. If you have any questions, feel free to talk to one of the maths team. Thanks again for your support.