PURPOSE To identify and describe the nature and critical “ doing” elements of the environment that support and foster achievement of a satisfying, productive lifestyle. A method for looking at the match between environment and the individual’s needs
MAIN PERSPECTIVE Fidler ( 1996 ): “Each individual, over time, develops a configurations of activity patterns that can be described as a lifestyle. These patterns of doing, of being engaged, emerge through the interplay of a person’s intrinsic needs, desires, and capacities, and unique expectations of the environmental context of a person’s being” (p. 140).
CONTRIBUTING FACTORS TO LIFESTYLE Motivation Well-being and quality of life. The environment
FOUR HYPOTHESES Mastery and competence that are valued within one’s society have greater meaning in defining social efficacy. Activities and each of its elements have symbolic and reality based meanings that affect an individual experiences and motivation
FOUR HYPOTHESES Mastery and competence, and personal pleasure and intrinsic gratification are more intense, and those activities that match, neurobiology, and psychological structure. Competence and achievements are seen and verified in the end product or outcome of activity. The ability to do, to overcome, and to achieve becomes obvious to self and others
SUCCESSFUL LIFESTYLE Motivation is strongest when engaging in occupations that are personally and socially relevant Success may be viewed as a satisfying end product. Well-being and quality of life include: Satisfaction is an individual’s cognitive appraisal of his or her lifestyle. Quality-of-life is higher when the individual can personally exert control over the environment. Occupations that produce a sense of well-being and quality of life must be defined by the individual
FUNDAMENTAL NEEDS Performance and quality of life can be enhanced by an environment that provides for ten fundamental human needs: 1. Autonomy: self-determination 2. Individuality: self differentiation. 3. Affiliation: evidence of belonging 4. Volition: having alternatives. 5. Consensual validation: acknowledgment of achievement and verification of perspectives
FUNDAMENTAL NEEDS 6. Predictability: discernment and evaluation of cause-and-effect 7. Self efficacy: evidence of competence. 8. Adventure: exploration of new and unknown 9. Accommodation: freedom from physical or mental harm and compensation for limitations 10. Reflection: Contemplation of eventsand the meaning of things
PERFORMANCE MEASURES Performance is measured by the quality of functioning of 4 domains: Self-care and self maintenance: determined by personal needs and capacities. Intrinsic gratification Pursuit of pleasure and enjoyment. Societal contribution Contribute to need fulfillment and welfare of others Reciprocal interpersonal relatedness Developing and sustaining relationships with others
EVALUATION Activity history. Lifestyle performance profile related to the four skill domains. Analysis of environmental factors
INTERVENTION Intervention is required when: Illness or trauma affects occupation in any lifestyle domain. Lifestyle changes become necessary. Individuals desire to establish a more satisfying lifestyle
INTERVENTION Addresses five main questions that identify the focus of the intervention What does the person need to be able to do? What is the person able to do? What is the person unable to do? What interventions are needed, and in what order? What are the characteristics and patterns of activity and the environment that will enhance the person’s quality of life?