READING ZONE! - 10 minutes. - Make a think mark.
Think Marks ■A strong think mark should: –Reference the text – paraphrase or quotation –Ask a question or make a prediction based on that text –Make a connection (to another story, your life, etc.) based on that text
What’s the difference?
Which is stronger and why?
Book Marks! ■Add up your at-home reading minutes –74 or less = 1 – = 2 – = 3 –175+ = 4 ■Select your best think mark and put it on the back of your book mark. –What makes a strong think mark? ■It talks about the text ■It makes a theory, question, or prediction about that text
RESEARCH PROJECT INTRODUCTION Consider each topic and research question, and which one(s) you would be interested in.
Syrian Refugees Research Question: Should the United States increase the number of Syrian refugees* it will accept this year? ■Total pre-war population – 22 million people ■Since the civil war began in 2011: –7.6 million people have been forced to leave their homes. –Over 2 million have fled the country to find safety and shelter elsewhere. *refugee – a person fleeing war, persecution, or other oppressive or dangerous situations in their home country Video:
High Impact Sports Research Question: Should young people be allowed to play high impact sports? ■3.5 million kids receive treatment for sports injuries each year ■In the U.S., athletes suffer from roughly 300,000 concussions each year ■Over the past several years, youth participation in sports has decreased due, in part, to concerns about injury *symptom – signs of illness or injury, usually negative in nature Video:
Animals In Capitivity Research Question: Should animals be kept in captivity? ■There are 10,000 zoos worldwide ■Zoos also help animals –The Toledo Zoo has helped save the Karmer blue butterly and the Minnesota Zoo’s “adopt-a-park” program donates to save rhinos. ■Animals in captivity can die or cause injure others –Chai, an elephant from the Woodland Park Zoo died in captivity this year. –Tilikum, a killer whale at SeaWorld, killed one of its trainers. Video:
Juvenile Justice Research Question: How should the city of Seattle handle juvenile crime – jail or treatment? ■In 1999, police arrested 2.5 million youth nationwide. ■Youth accounted for 16% of all violent crime arrests and 32% of all property crime arrests. ■Black youth are held in custody five times the rate of whites. Video:
Rank Them! Consider each of the four topics in order of MOST INTERESTED (1) to LEAST INTERESTED (4). Include WHY you are interested, or not. ■Syrian Refugees ■Juvenile Justice ■Animals In Captivity ■High Impact Sports
Book Marks! ■Add up your at-home reading minutes –89 or less = 1 – = 2 – = 3 –210+ = 4 ■Select your best think mark and put it on the back of your book mark. –What makes a strong think mark? ■It talks about the text ■It makes a theory, question, or prediction about that text