Pay-As-You-Go Pilot Overview
Agenda Pay-as-you-go overview How the program works Pilot Overview Notifications and Payments 2
Program Overview Paying advance for electricity Flexibility and Customer benefits Make as many payments as necessary No due dates No fees No deposit requirements 3
How does Pay-As-You-Go Work? $25 minimum starting balance Similar to a gas tank or a pre-paid phone Your OG&E account is credited when you make a payment. As you use electricity, your account is deducted. You can modify your settings to receive notifications when your account balance is getting low. All current payment methodologies 4
What is OG&E’s Pay-As-You-Go Pilot Program? 5
Pilot Goals Operational impacts Impacts to load Customer experience 6
Pilot Overview Pilot ScheduleDate Pay-As-You-Go Live to Members & CustomersFebruary 20 th Marketing BeginsMarch 5 th Pilot for Pay-As-You-Go EndsDecember 31 st 7 OG&E’s Enrollment Target= 660 Customers 330 Budget Conscious 330 Convenience Control Group Participating in the Pay-As-You-Go pilot is voluntary and customers can opt in or out at any time.
Customer Notifications Customer can choose how they are notified… 8 PhoneText Daily balance Low balance Pending Disconnect Disconnect Reconnect