Hello from the Volunteer Program! Summer is here and we’re excited to share with you all of the exciting and inspiring work that is happening at St. Chris, thanks to volunteers like you! If you or one of your friends or family are interested in getting involved as a volunteer, please contact Meagan or Fernando at (416) ext 105, or 2009 Ontario Volunteer Service Awards The St. Christopher House Volunteer Program would like to share the news that six of our volunteers were awarded with Ontario Volunteer Service Awards on Thursday evening, June 18th 2009, for their volunteer contribution at St. Christopher House! Five of the award recipients were recognized for a five-year contribution to St. Chris: Rhona Jones a volunteer with our Adult Literacy Program Martin Osler and Susan White five-year award recipients for their work with our Meals-on-Wheels program Amalia Monteiro has been a volunteer with our Friendly Visiting program Peter Habel a Bang the Drum computer tutor Joan Eddy was awarded the 25 year award, recognizing her many years of dedication to the Meals-on-Wheels Program. We want to thank these six volunteers for their dedication and commitment to volunteering, as well as all of our other committed and dedicated volunteers – you are all amazing! Community Sweep 2009 Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped make this year’s community sweep another success. We enjoyed connecting with people in the neighborhood, learning about the ways that St. Chris can, and does support our community, and getting the chance to get to know you all a little better! Four teams of staff and volunteers went out to neighborhoods in Parkdale, King West and the Sorauren Park area, and listened to people share their comments, concerns and experiences about the recession and other important issues that affect their lives. A detailed summary of what we learned can be found on our website. Read it here!here Meals on 2 Wheels Volunteers Needed! Beginning in May cyclists who would like to get involved with Meals on Wheels can volunteer to deliver meals to seniors and isolated individuals in our community on their bicycles. Enjoy fresh air, exercise and an unique opportunity to support your neighbours by getting involved with Meals on 2 Wheels! New Parkdale Youth Program Needs Volunteers The St. Christopher House Youth Empowering Parkdale Project is a new summer program for youth ages 12-16, providing activities around leadership development and drug prevention. This program is looking for volunteers who like working with youth, and have a background in drug prevention and/or leadership programming to assist the program worker in delivering programming and supervising daytrips. If you are available between 9:30 and 4:30 on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays, and are interested in this opportunity, please contact the volunteer program or view the position listing on our website!website Employment Preparation Program (EPP) Employment Preparation Program (Adults 18 years and older) Up to 16 weeks of individual employment counselling Professional résumés and cover letters Assisted job search and job development Able to process Second Career and Skills Development applications Continuous intake, call now (416) Toronto Youth Job Corps (Youth 16 to 29) Eligibility requirements: out of school and out of work Program length: 7 months Paid employment preparation Paid employment placements Next Group starts: July 27, 2009 To book an appointment call Mihk at (416) ext. 228 Fathers Group for Portuguese Speaking Fathers Family Picnic Everyone is welcome to the annual family picnic: fathers, mothers, grandparents and friends who participate in or would like to participate in the Fathers Group for Portuguese Speaking Fathers. Together, we will celebrate fatherhood and father involvement in healthy child development. Saturday, July 18, from 10:00am to 4:00pm at the Toronto Central Island We will cover the cost of the ferry boat, and provide barbecue and refreshments. We are asking families to bring salads, fruit and other meals to share. To register contact Jani: Ext. 27 Funded by: Father Involvement Initiative – Ontario Network Volunteers Needed at St. Chris We are always looking for new and experienced volunteers to contribute their time, energy and skills to making our programs great. If you, or your friends or family are interested in volunteering we have a number of great opportunities! This summer, get involved as a Spanish Interpreter for the Newcomer Settlement Outreach Program, a Friendly Visitor, or a Store Assistant for the Meeting Place, or talk to the Volunteer Program about the many other ways that you can volunteer. Call us at (416) ext 105 or Interpreter Friendly Visitor Store Assistant for the Meeting * All issues of the St. Chris monthly newsletter are sent from the address Please use this address when configuring or spam filter rules, if you use them. St. Christopher House E-Newsletter July and August Year 3 – Issue 3 Developing a better community