Rodinia broke up Life became more complex and thrived
Laurentia splits from Rodinia and experiences no tectonic movement (no mountain ranges) Laurentia is surrounded by passive margins (edges of continents without plate movement)
Ocean tides wash sand onto a shoreline creating beaches ◦ Deposited sand becomes sandstone Offshore clay is also deposited ◦ Clay becomes shale Calcium carbonate deposits occur farther from the shoreline ◦ calcium carbonate becomes limestone
As sea levels rise and fall the pattern of deposition shifts A rise of sea level (transgression) causes clay sediment to deposit over beaches A falling of sea level (regression) causes clay sediment to deposit over limstone
During the Ordovician, Laurentia collided with the Taconic Island Arc (Taconic Orogeny)
Laurentia was further transformed during the Silurian when Laurentia collided with Baltica and Avalonia
Laurentia collided with Gondwana (Ouachita orogeny) during the carboniferous period
As Gondwana pushed into Laurentia, Alleghenian orogeny took place (creating the Appalachian mountains and finally assembling the Earth’s second supercontinent)
Read pp to make notes on the Cambrian explosion, Ordovician extinction, Devonian extinction, terrestrial plants, coal deposits and Permian changes Q: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6