We would like to start off by saying, Thank you. We are so grateful that all of you have signed and accepted to allow us to take care of your most precious being. We are thankful that there are children willing to be part of this awesome program. Therefore,
We accept your gift to serve your children unconditionally. To serve is to try to always have a smile and not question the need but take care of the need. As a volunteer, the gift to serve is not taken lightly. We plan and plan and plan just to make our program the best it can be for you and your family. You have spent about 14 years modeling this precious jewel of your child and we accept the task of caring for it every chance we get. Limitless….
Trust is what you have given us and as volunteers we accept with open arms. You not only trust us but we trust you as well. We strive to instill good values and high expectations in our children because we trust that they are capable of fulfilling them. With trust comes….
Choices to be part of the band, Choices to do the right thing, Choices to be the best when others are not watching. We, as volunteers, and them, as children, have choices to make every minute of the day. Many choices have good results (like winning at a competition) but other choices have challenging consequences (like please stop talking while other bands are performing). Life allows us to learn about choice but being involved in your child’s education is a choice only you can make. We choose….
To model responsibility because one day these children will govern our town, state, or country. We have a responsibility, as a volunteer, to instill and model good values every chance we get. I always remind my children that everyday is a blessing because you never know how many you have left. Do what is right when you can because that may be your last chance. Even though, I cannot see my children every minute of the day, it is my responsibility to trust that they will also show responsibility in everything they choose to do. Being responsible is….
Being safe. Learning is never ending. As volunteers, we have been learning for many more years than our children. We have learned to predict the future even though we are not psychics. My child still tells me “How did you know I did that if you were not there?” I tell her I have 440 eyes watching over you. If it is pulling a cart of instruments, safety is first. If it is chewing your food slowly, safety is first. If it is not sitting on top of the bus seats or waving your hand outside of the bus, safety is first. I, like everyone here, ….
We are an extended family because of our choices to participate, as volunteers, in this wonderful program. Family trusts each other to hear everyone’s side of the story, Family makes choices to respect each other, Family takes responsibility for each other and helps each other stay on task, Family keeps everyone safe even when it seems silly. We are a family that needs your choice to volunteer and help guide our children. Please consider volunteering in any area and at any time. I get asked, “Why are you always here?” I say, “Where else would I be but with my children before they are off making their own safe choices?” We are someone’s mom or dad, “I am Jackie’s mom”