Small-hold Rattan-based Enterprise Development (SERD) in Asia and Pacific ITTO Rattan Project Team Marcial C. Amaro Jr. Aida Baja-Lapis Magdalena Giron Imelda Pangga Kharina G. Bueser Gregorio Santos Jr. Armando M. Palijon
Rattans Global Regional IMPORTANCE National Local
GOAL Develop small-hold rattan-based enterprises in: Asia (e.g. Camdodia, Lao, Philippines) & Pacific (e.g. Papua New Guinea and Fiji)
Specific Objectives 1.ID potential & select most suited SREs in each of the participating countries. 2.Demonstrate thru establishment of a pilot SREs in each of the participating countries.
Specialty Rattans Cane………. more common traditional material from rattan used for furniture & handicraft Other traditional products: - traditionally used for local consumption - commercially traded Other products being discovered: - local consumption - for commercialization
1. Fruits as source of dye (dragon blood) Malaysia & Indonesia Species Daemonorops draco D. draconcellus D. mattanensis D. micranthus D. motleyi D. rubber D. sabut Becc.
2. Edible fruits Thailand Calamus viminalis - Wai dong
Edible fruits Philippines Calamus ornatus var. philippinensis -Limuran -Kalape Calamus trispermus Calamus Manillensis -Lituko
Edible & Non- edible fruits Edible fruits by products: condiments vinegar sour flavorings wine decorative
Edible Shoots Lao PDR & Thailand 1. Calamus tenuis wai nyair - Lao PDR wai numpueng-Thailand
Edible Shoots Calamus viminalis -wai ton in Lao PDR -wai dong(Thailand)
Ornamental Plant Philippines Korthalsia laciniosa - danan Calamus discolor - kumaboi Kothalsia
As host of edible beetle: Aphrodisiac
Project Activities 1. ID of existing SREs or village rattan-based enterprises -Profile -Status -Distribution -Demand for raw materials -Production capacity -Current market of products -Socio-economic benefits
Project Activities 2. ID of potential SREs for rattan products other than from cane
Project Activities 3. Resource assessment Natural rattan forests Artificial rattan plantation Current project/ initiatives in plantation development
Project Activities 4. Establishment of plantation for production materials for SREs If supply of materials from natural rattan forest & artificial rattan plantation will not be enough to support SREs
Project Activities Production of raw materials No middlemen, value added & other benefits will accrue to community Community Small-hold Rattan- based Enterprises Domestic Market International
Plantation Development: activities 1. Selection of community 2. Training of community on nursery, plantation & harvesting (if needed) 3. Nursery Planting Stock production 4. Plantation establishment and management 5. Harvesting of rattan materials for SREs
Establishment of SREs Selection of community for SREs Capacity building - SRE estab & management - Primary processing - Finished product development: = wine processing = medicine = health drinks = processing = packaging & promotion - Marketing
Establishment & management of SREs Marketing strategies in relation to: -product quality -design -acceptance Sourcing/creation of Local & international markets for: -primary processed -finished products
Impact of nursery/plantation & SREs Socio-economic - Livelihood - Employment generation Environment Biological diversity
IEC Website about the project & products developed IEC materials like product brochures Participation in international and national trade fairs Other means of promotion of SRE products
Project outputs 1.Data base on: -rattan resources existing SREs & REs 2. Existing Rattan plantation enhanced/ new plantation developed 3. Existing SREs enhanced/new SREs developed 4. Marketing & SRE management strategies developed & implemented 5. IEC materials produced & used -website -brochures -other promotional strategies
Requirements to realize the proposed projects Active collaboration between & among countries in Asia- Pacific region in packaging & submission of proposal Acceptance of the project by potential international funding institutions Sharing of pooling of resources (financial, technical & material resources of would-be participating countries
Thank you very much from ITTO Rattan Project Family