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The Enlightenment Age of Reason
Absolute Power Divine Right (From God) T. HobbesJ. Locke Montesquieu Rousseau Social Contract Voltaire: Government
T. HobbesJ. Locke Montesquieu Rousseau Social Contract Voltaire Government REVOLUTIONS
The Enlightenment The Enlightenment will bring huge changes in the world and the way people view the government 1700s: People begin to question the idea of divine right
Thomas Hobbes People are both evil and selfish Wrote a book called Leviathan (sea monster) Idea: People make bad decisions and need absolute monarchs above them to tell them what to do
John Locke Believed Hobbes idea about people being evil and selfish was incorrect People should choose their government Human beings have free will People are born with 3 basic rights: o Life o Liberty o Property Role of Government: Protect your 3 rights o Ex: Military protects the nation Divine Right of the Kings was nonsense
Montesquieu Fan of John Locke What if the government that is protecting your natural rights uses its power against you? Idea: Separation of powers with checks & balances
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Government is actually a contract Biggest problem in society is distribution of wealth o Rich will be rich & poor will remain poor Majority should rule (the peasants) Contracts are agreements btw people A contract between government & the people is called a social contract. Government’s job is to protect our basic rights, and if they fail the people will back out and make a new government for itself
Voltaire Major focus on the idea that government must be separate from the church Religious freedom & freedom of speech “I will not always agree with what you have to say, but I will die to protect your right to say it!”
Voltaire’s Wisdom “Every man is guilty of all the good he didn’t do” “If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him” “It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong” “Love truth and pardon error” “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers” “Men are equal; it is not birth, but virtue that makes the difference” “The way to become boring is to say everything”
Exit Ticket Which of the Enlightenment thinkers do you think has the best philosophy? How has he had an impact on your life?