Privacy Issues in E-Commerce Seydou Ouattara CIST 2100 OAT Talk
E-Commerce is the paperless exchange of business information using electronic data interchange (EDI), , electronic bulletin boards, and electronic funds transfers. -The main types of E-Commerce -Privacy issues and E-Commerce Introduction
I. The Main Types of E-Commerce Enables selling between businesses, using a low- cost sales channel for the transaction of goods and services. Example: - Intel selling microprocessor to Dell. - Heinz selling ketchup to Mc Donald's. Business to Business (B2B) Business to Consumer (B2C) Online trade of data and proceedings between businesses and government agencies. Example: - A firm that offers IT consulting services to a government agency. - Apple Inc. paying taxes or selling goods and services to IRS. - GSA Advantage. Business to Government (B2G) Trade of information, products or services happening between a business and a customer over the Internet. Example: - Dell selling a laptop to an individual. - The purchase of books on
A. The Top 3 E-Business Issues II. Privacy and E-Commerce Privacy of Data - Principal consternation in mind for customers. - Privacy is considered as priority. Trust - Always considered as a threat. - E-Business must make customers feel safe. - Transparency. Security of Transactions - Unforeseeable over the Internet. - Need of encryption to secure transactions. - Use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
B.Online Privacy Policy Information Protection - Follow company privacy policies. - Setup online privacy monitoring programs. Business practice disclosure - Reveal online practices. - Respect the Federal Trade Commission’s “Privacy by Design”. - Post a written privacy statement on the business Website.
Conclusion When surfing the internet, avoid “free” offers and protect your information! When surfing the internet, avoid “free” offers and protect your information! Chatting – guard your information unless You are 100% Sure who you are chatting with. Chatting – guard your information unless You are 100% Sure who you are chatting with. Cookies aren’t just for eating, they may be sending your personal information to others. Cookies aren’t just for eating, they may be sending your personal information to others. Protect your passwords like you would your wallet or car keys. Make it complicate! Protect your passwords like you would your wallet or car keys. Make it complicate! is not secure and should never be though of as private. is not secure and should never be though of as private. Don’t even open Spam, download a spam buster ! Don’t even open Spam, download a spam buster ! Beware of phishing, which are fake s Sent to try to gain your personal and financial information. Beware of phishing, which are fake s Sent to try to gain your personal and financial information. Protect your privacy on the Web Protect your privacy on the Web THANK YOU!