The Age of Reform Chapter 12
The Second Great Awakening: l Camp meetings provided emotional religious experiences on the frontier
A Camp Meeting
2 nd Great Awakening in African American Communities
The Second Great Awakening in the North l Charles G. Finney –Departed radically from Calvinist doctrine –Appeal for conversion based on emotion not reason –Emphasized free will, salvation, equality l Revivals led to organization of more churches
Temperance Movement
The "Ladies of Logan" sing hymns in front of bars
Abolitionist Engravings
Frederick Douglas
From Abolitionism to Women's Rights l Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 – Organized by Lucretia Mott + Elizabeth Cady Stanton – Began movement for women’s rights (suffrage movement) – Declaration of Sentiments l “We hold these truths to be self-evident: all men and women are created equal”
Radical Ideas & Experiments: Utopian Communities l Utopian socialism –Inspired by Robert Owen l New Harmony, Indiana l Religious utopianism –Shakers –Oneida Community
Utopian Communities Before the Civil War
Radical Ideas & Experiments: Transcendentalism l Ralph Waldo Emerson –Individualism, self-reliance l George Ripley –Founded cooperative community at Brook Farm –Effort at utopian reform harmony/cooperation to replace competition l Henry David Thoreau and Walden
Education l Horace Mann –Compulsory, publicly funded education for all l McGuffey readers in public schools –Conveyed morals/values to students –Education as means to improving society