SAFE SSCs for A&A, Fusion and ES Coordinator: Claudio Vuerli, INAF, Italy.


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Presentation transcript:

SAFE SSCs for A&A, Fusion and ES Coordinator: Claudio Vuerli, INAF, Italy

Partners 53 partners expressed interests for one of the SSCs –EGEE, SEEGrid, CYCLOPS, CEOS/Grid –Grid Virtual communities existing for several years 21 European Countries –including Albania (MoU with FP7), Armenia (part of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)),Turkey (MoU with FP7), Ukrainia (Agreement with EC) and Russia 3 other countries: Brazil, Korea and Taiwan 2 Private companies 3M€

Partners [2] Core Partners –SAFE governance, WP leaders Contributors –Expertise on specific topics –Resource providers End-users –User of resources –Projects on going –Scientific projects

Scientific interests A&A and ES : special laboratories for physics, chemistry, fluid dynamics… –A&A and Fusion ; studies of a&a objects –ES and Fusion: Plasma physics Disciplines over A&A and ES –Planets –Sun-earth system

Grid interests Non-conventional resources –Data repositories geographically distributed outside Grid –Web services to access, discover, download data –Real-time sensors and instruments Link to data e-infrastructure –Virtual Observatories – A&A –Gateways and portals - ES DEISA, HPC –A&A, ES and Fusion work on super-computer and on Grid –Exploitation of data produced on HPC or super-computer –Interoperability with other architecture cf. Fusion avec Kepler Complex applications –MPI –Workflow –Assimilation of data –Data acquisition from sensor networks and instruments –Monitoring/Control of scientific instruments

Goals Support to discipline communities to access and use the Grid-based DCI operated by and by NGIs. –ESFRI, IT and scientific projects –small projects and research groups Preparing a sustainability plan with –, –NGIs, –SSC stakeholders (public and private) –European, national and regional/local level.

Interactions WITH EGI Virtual Organizations –It is expected the development of tools and services to make easier the access to/management of VOs Bug tracking –It is expected the deployment of ticketing systems and a service that provides to handle open tickets –Shall SSCs open their own ticketing system? Will there be a way to route SSC tickets to the central service? Science Gateway –There are expected standardized interfaces to the Grid services of EMI –There are expected general purpose Gateways allowing to interact with EGI services so that dedicated services can be built by specializing them

Interactions Dissemination and Training –It is expected that EGI, NGIs, other SSC provide dissemination and training events –It is also expected the development/deployment of reusable dissemination and training tools Policies, Protocols and Standards –It is expected the definition of Policies, Protocols and Standards to make SSCs able to interact with the project and each other Application Porting support –It is expected that EGI will provide central application porting support services –It is expected that EGI will provide tools and services helping to carry out application porting support

M/W Components, tools and services –It is expected that EGI, NGIs, M/W Consortia will provide the whole set of components, tools and services to successfully port in Grid applications of the SAFE community –It is expected the possibility to negotiate the development of missing components, tools and services –It is expected the necessary technical support if development is undertaken at project level

Interactions With other SSCs –At the management level –Through the Front Desk and User Forum –Tools and services –Training purposes –Through cross-correlated Science Gateways –On Specific topics or user community in- between two SSCs

Status First version already reviewed Update on-going Discussion with IT, ESFRI, Scientific projects, existing virtual communities for interaction on going Letter of support asked by the end of October Form A : who will be the partners – NGI, or Institutes?