Joint Information Systems Committee Repositories Support Project Summer School 2008 Amber Thomas, JISC.


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Presentation transcript:

Joint Information Systems Committee Repositories Support Project Summer School 2008 Amber Thomas, JISC

Joint Information Systems Committee Outline About You About JISC JISC Repositories and Preservation Programme

Joint Information Systems Committee Outline About You About JISC JISC Repositories and Preservation Programme

Joint Information Systems Committee About You

Joint Information Systems Committee Outline About You About JISC JISC Repositories and Preservation Programme

Joint Information Systems Committee About JISC JISC's activities support education and research by promoting innovation in new technologies and by the central support of ICT services. JISC provides: A world-class network - JANET Access to electronic resources New environments for learning, teaching and research Guidance on institutional change Advisory and consultancy services Regional support for FE colleges - RSCs

Joint Information Systems Committee About JISC JISC will deliver its mission through: innovative and sustainable ICT infrastructure, services and practice that support institutions in meeting their mission promoting the development, uptake and effective use of ICT to support learning and teaching promoting the development, uptake and effective use of ICT to support research promoting the development, uptake and effective use of ICT within institutions and in support of their management developing and implementing a programme to support institutions' engagement with the wider community continuing to improve its own working practices

Joint Information Systems Committee Services … and there’s more!

Joint Information Systems Committee Development Strategic themes we cover e-Learning improves the quality of learning e-Learning e-Research technologies used in research e-Research e-Resources digital information and e-content e-Resources e-Administration improves administrative processes e-Administration Access management secure authentication and authorisation Access management Network UK research and education network Network Information environment convenient access to resources Information environment Business and community engagement knowledge transfer Business and community engagement

Joint Information Systems Committee Outline About You About JISC JISC Repositories and Preservation Programme

Joint Information Systems Committee Learning & Teaching workflows Research & e-Science workflows Aggregator services Repositories : institutional, e-prints, data, learning objects Institutional presentation services: portals, Learning Management Systems, u/g, p/g courses, modules Harvesting metadata Resource discovery, linking, embedding Deposit / self-archiving Peer-reviewed publications: journals, conference proceedings Publication Validation Data creation / capture / gathering: laboratory experiments, Grids, fieldwork, surveys, media Data analysis, transformation, mining, modelling Resource discovery, linking, embedding Learning object creation, re-use Searching, harvesting, embedding Quality assurance bodies Validation Presentation services: subject, media-specific, data, commercial portals Resource discovery, linking, embedding Deposit / self-archiving Repositories and workflows (e-bank diagram) [Diagram based on E-Bank UK Project]

Joint Information Systems Committee Drivers for Repositories Overarching Agendas preservation open access Sharing teaching materials access management repositories

Joint Information Systems Committee JISC’s support for repositories To improve long term availability and access to digital content, through a network of repositories that provide capability for teachers, learners and researchers to use and share content

Joint Information Systems Committee Repositories as a Layer of Scholarly Content Middleware (access management and shared infrastructure m2m services) Network Repositories ( content ) Learning Research Admin

Joint Information Systems Committee JISC-funded content providers institutional content providers external content providers brokers aggregatorsindexescatalogues institutional portals media-specific portals learning management systems subject portals end-user desktop/browser presentation fusion provision OpenURL resolvers shared infrastructure authentication/authorisation (Athens/SAML) JISC IE service registry institutional preferences services terminology services user preferences services resolvers metadata schema registries User interaction Disclosure Open Access Data Web 2.0

Joint Information Systems Committee JISC Repositories and Preservation Programme To establish a network of digital resources and services, in order to significantly improve content use and curation for education and research. Digital Repositories: develop repositories for universities and colleges. Digital Preservation: distributed environment for digital preservation, in which services, roles and responsibilities are scoped and defined. Discovery to Delivery: searching across UK repositories and the agreement of standards for searching and semantic interoperability. Tools and Innovation: develop and pilot innovative approaches to repository use and digital preservation through the development of new software and tools. Shared Infrastructure: services such as user profiling services, digital rights management, registries, identifier services, terminology and preservation services.

Joint Information Systems Committee JISC Repositories and Preservation Programme Strands of projects on tools and innovations, start-up and enhancement, discovery to delivery, shared infrastructure service, preservation and records management Plus Repositories Research Team (RRT) Repositories Search Project (Intute) Repository Depot (Prospero) Repositories Support Project (RSP) Altogether … £14m from March 2006 to March 2009 Over 70 projects

Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting Repository Development … how to undertake software selection and installation planning repository implementation business requirements and incentives repositories and records management copyright clearance and digital rights management workflows interoperability, metadata standards and metadata management staffing structures business models archiving and long-term preservation learning object management … more?

Joint Information Systems Committee … the Repositories Support Project Repositories Support Project digital libraries Records management and preservation research overlapping communities / expert domains institution Organisations, services and projects in the repositories space Sherpa, UKOLN, ePrints, D-Space, CETIS, Digital Curation Centre, Digital Preservation Training Programme, ADHS, eSPIDA, JISC InfoNet, OSSWatch, JISC Legal … more

Joint Information Systems Committee Outline About You About JISC JISC Repositories and Preservation Programme

Joint Information Systems Committee Stay in Touch! Use the RSP! And Join Visit the IE Team blog Find out more about the programme Ask me! Amber Thomas,