Proposed Attendance Policy School Year
Bloomfield High School adopted the policy starting the school year BHS student attendance has increased by 60% Communication between BHS and parents has increased Student learning has improved Policy is NOT punitive (No ISS or office referrals) Students have ownership
BLOOMFIELD HIGHKIRTLAND HIGH Before the new policy BHS had 750 students with unexcused absences (1 st semester ) Currently, BHS has 11 students with unexcused absences 1 st semester school year – had 798 students with unexcused absences 263 had unexcused absences in 5 or more classes 135 students on “No Credit” list 276 students with 4 or more tardies
CURRENTPROPOSED Students can have up to 15 excused days per semester totaling 30 allowed days of missed instruction Add 15 allowable absences for school activities and a student can miss 45 days of instruction! Parents can verify 3 excusable absences per quarter. Four or more excused absences or any unexcused absence must be made up in Attendance School.
CURRENTPROPOSED 4 -7 tardies equals lunch detention in increasing numbers 8-9 tardies equals 1-2 days ISS 10+ tardies equals Office Referral 99 students currently have 8+ tardies Allowed 2 tardies per class before time must be made up in Attendance School
To earn credit, a student must attend school on a regular basis. If a student has four (4) or more excused absences(s) or three (3) or more tardies per class per quarter that are not made- up, the student will receive no grade ( NG ) for the quarter grade in that class.
Absences are made up either in subject -specific sessions or during general Saturday sessions A full day absence requires 4 full attendance sessions or 1 full Saturday session 25 minutes of either a general or subject- specific attendance session is required for each tardy
CURRENT POLICY Punitive Perceived as a negative thing that is “imposed” upon students and parents Requires large amounts of time to enforce Loopholes create inconsistencies Creates conflict between parents and staff Decreases motivation of students Creates feelings of hopelessness in students and deflates self esteem
PROPOSED POLICY Allows the student and parents to take ownership Allows administrators and teachers to focus on instruction Removes “discipline” element from attendance issues Exemplifies direct correlation between regular attendance and student academic success Student accountable for engaged learning time which should build self esteem Provides choices for students so feelings of hopelessness and failure don’t become an issue Student receives direct instruction from a qualified instructor Focuses on Positive Behavior in Schools (PBIS) initiatives to encourage student attendance KCHS Parent Advisory Committee approved San Juan County Truancy Task Force Team approved KCHS leadership team approved
Be positive Give students ownership Give students and parents choices Increase student time with a certified instructor Increase student academic success Boost student self esteem