Elko County School District August 20, 2014
Review of previous service plan Inadequate Did not reflect current practice Did not meet the needs of students Did not meet the needs of staff OCR Complaint forced us to Collect data Deepen our knowledge of ELL student population Reflect on current practices
ESL Committee ESL Teachers General Ed. Teachers Administrators Committee Actions Reviewed District policy that was in place at the time Reviewed ESL policy & manuals from around NV and US Developed new policies & protocols focused on student support student achievement
Collecting & Comparing Student Data Various assessments Long-term Grade Levels Cohort Groups AMAO and ELPA analysis Appropriate Service Delivery Models ESL Staffing Professional Development
Student Identification and Assessment Elimination of gaps in performance and achievement as compared with non-ELLs Provisions for parents or legal guardians of ELLs
ESL Coordinator Policy ESL Staff
Elko Elko: 4 K-4, 5-6, 7-8, HS Spring Creek: 2 K-5, 6-8, HS Carlin, Wells: K-6, 7-12 Owyhee, Jackpot, Wendover: K-6, 7-12 & Mountain Time Zone 1-Room Schools
Pull-Out Inclusion Cooperative Teaching Stations or Centers designed through PLC groups SIOP Training
Inclusion Assigned ESL Classes Tutoring
Extra support for students at risk ILEP Team Student’s Teachers Parents or Guardians Guidance Counselor Administrator Student Meet Often Goals Needs Supports Signatures
Drop out to work in gaming industry Drop out to work in mining or support industry Teen Pregnancy Rate Family Culture & Values Attendance Child Care Vacations Home Environment
Primary focus on STUDENTS, not paperwork
Collaborate for Standardization of Protocol
Be Cognizant: Diverse Needs of Students in Rural vs. Urban
The Future for Nevada’s ELLs is in Good Hands!