Welcome Case 1 –Perspective 1Perspective 1 –Perspective 2Perspective 2 –Perspective 3Perspective 3 –Perspective 4Perspective 4 Conclusion Welcome Deer vs. Vegetation The population of deer in Valley Forge Park is increasing at an uncontrolled rate. There are opposing views about how to best manage the population. Use the following slides to decide how you feel the issue should be handled.
Welcome Case 1 –Perspective 1Perspective 1 –Perspective 2Perspective 2 –Perspective 3Perspective 3 –Perspective 4Perspective 4 Conclusion Case: Deer vs. Vegetation The Philadelphia Inquirer has an environmental section and they are planning to feature the overpopulation of deer in an upcoming issue. Your job is to write an informal report taking a position on how the deer population in VFP should be addressed. The following perspectives should be examined in order for you to take an educated position on handling the issue. Please read the following site before moving on to the next slide. Cook Forest Perspective Cook Forest Perspective
Welcome Case 1 –Perspective 1Perspective 1 –Perspective 2Perspective 2 –Perspective 3Perspective 3 –Perspective 4Perspective 4 Conclusion Perspective 1 The Animal Advocate The animal advocate speaks on behalf of all animals. In this case the deer are the animals they are most concerned about saving. Check out these sites for more background: Animal Protection Institute Animal Protection Institute Animal Rights Law Animal Rights Law
Welcome Case 1 –Perspective 1Perspective 1 –Perspective 2Perspective 2 –Perspective 3Perspective 3 –Perspective 4Perspective 4 Conclusion Perspective 2 The Farmer The farmers in the area have suffered the effects of the massive deer population. Check out these sites for more background American farm bureau American farm bureau Riverdeep- Too Many Deer? Riverdeep- Too Many Deer?
Welcome Case 1 –Perspective 1Perspective 1 –Perspective 2Perspective 2 –Perspective 3Perspective 3 –Perspective 4Perspective 4 Conclusion Perspective 3 The Hunter Hunters rely on the deer for food and sport. Read about what this group thinks about controlling the deer population. Check out these sites for more background PA Game Commission Dr. Alt - Management Video Penn State Wildlife Management
Welcome Case 1 –Perspective 1Perspective 1 –Perspective 2Perspective 2 –Perspective 3Perspective 3 –Perspective 4Perspective 4 Conclusion Perspective 4 The Environmentalist Environmentalists work to protect the plants and animals in the environment. See what they have to say about the issue of deer population. Check out these sites for more background United Sportsmen of PA United Sportsmen of PA Penn State Eco-Article Penn State Eco-Article
Welcome Case 1 –Perspective 1Perspective 1 –Perspective 2Perspective 2 –Perspective 3Perspective 3 –Perspective 4Perspective 4 Conclusion Conclusion After you have reviewed the different perspectives, choose the one that best describes the attitude that should be considered in resolving the issue of overpopulation in valley forge park. Your article should be written on the linked page. Additional perspectives on deer populations Additional perspectives on deer populations Click here to write