Seoul 第七組 指導老師 高慧君老師
Distribution of work 組員分配工作 李玫瑾人口數量、地理位置 、做 PPT 何祐甄風景名勝 黃怡親喪禮 方俊琅古蹟 王雅薇婚禮 王敏樺各種特殊喜慶禮俗
Contents Population Location Weddings Funerals Sceneries historic monuments Puberty rite special rituals
人口數量 Population 李玫瑾
Population One-fourth of the Korean Population [Online] Available March
地理位置 Location 李玫瑾
Location South Korea is located south of the Korean peninsula. [Online] Available March
婚禮 Weddings 王雅薇
weddings selling the box, is still prevalent in the ceremony. [Online] Available March
weddings Dian-Yan Li: This is the home of the bride and groom arrive after the geese to he bride's mother presented the ceremony. [Online] Available March
weddings Li cross row: This is the bride and groom first met each other and salute ceremony. [Online] Available March
weddings Li co-dipper: This is the drink with a scoop of the ceremony. [Online] Available March
weddings Bibo: This is the end of the wedding, the bride and groom with groom's family had audience with the ceremony. [Online] Available March
喪禮 Funerals 黃怡親
Funerals When father or mother died, all children have to enclose around their parents. It means filial sentiments. The parent dying night, they should sit up all night until the ceremony is end. First night, females hang down their hair.
Funerals [Online] Available March
Funerals [Online] Available March
Funerals [Online] Available html March
Funerals [Online] Available html March
風景名勝 Sceneries 何祐甄
Sceneries 東大門市場 (Dongdaemun Market) [Online] Available March
Sceneries 靑瓦台 (Celadon tile sets) [Online] Available March
Sceneries 南山公園 (Namsan Park) [Online] Available March
Sceneries 狎鷗亭 (Apgujeong) [Online] Available March
古蹟 historic monuments 方俊琅
historic monuments [Online] Available March 南大門 (The Great South Gate)
historic monuments [Online] Available March 海軍上將沂孫新像 (Admiral Yi Sun-shin statue)
historic monuments [Online] Available March 昌德宮 (Changdeokgung)
historic monuments [Online] Available March 東大門 (Dongdaemun Gate)
成年禮 Puberty rite 王敏樺
Puberty rite [Online] Available March Girls will spill the wine on the ground Boys to worship heaven and earth
各種特殊喜慶禮俗 Special rituals 王敏樺
Special rituals [Online] Available March 宗廟祭禮與宗廟祭禮樂 (Ancestral rituals and ancestral ritual music)
Special rituals [Online] Available March 漢江之愛休閒運動慶典 (Celebration of the love of the Han River Recreational Sports)
Special rituals [Online] Available March 忠武路國際電影節 (Chungmuro International Film Festival)
Special rituals [Online] Available March Seoul Design Fair 2010
Special rituals [Online] Available March 首爾文化節 (Seoul Festival)
Special rituals [Online] Available March 首爾世界煙花節 (Seoul World Fireworks Festival)
Special rituals [Online] Available March 亞洲音樂節 (Asian Music Festival)
Special rituals [Online] Available March 世界燈之慶典 (Light of the World Festival)
Special rituals [Online] Available March 首爾光之慶典 (Seoul Festival of Light)