The American Indian Holocaust from 1492-present
When Columbus landed in 1492 it is estimated the Americas was populated by over 100 million people In two centuries this population was reduced by 90%
-“They should be good servants” -Columbus -Columbus returns with an invasion force of 17 ships to install himself as “viceroy and governor” -Taino population on the island was estimated. to be as large as 1 million by 1492, reduced to 100,000 by From the time Ponce De Leon landed in Florida in 1521, indigenous people in N. America experienced a 99% population decline. -North American indigenous population estimates of roughly 15 million inhabitants
Washington puts forth a plan to congress in 1782 Settlement of war veterans in Indian territory Washington advocates signing whatever treaties with Indian nations that would be possible with the intent to violate those treaties at a latter date According to article 6 of the U.S. constitution this makes U.S. an outlaw state by its own definition
Red Cloud (Oglala Sioux) signs treaty with U.S. government at Fort Laramie in 1868 which grants Sioux land which equals 5% of total continental U.S. By 1874 gold is discovered in the Black Hills U.S. Gov demands Sioux sell the lands in 1875 and go to war soon following Battle of Little Big Horn June 25 th 1876 War is over by the end of 1877
Dawes Act 1887, broke tribal land holdings down into individual land holdings Curtis Act 1898 abolished tribal governments 1891 Bureau of Indian Affairs establishes Indian Schools