2021 Census Topic Consultation Statistics User Forum 17 June 2015 Ann Blake, ONS
Planning the next census – and more! The Census Transformation Programme (CTP) is the programme of work to deliver the online census in 2021 and also to make best use of admin data, as a springboard for the future. The topic consultation is our first step towards understanding what users need from the 2021 Census and the wider Census Transformation Programme.
What do our users want from the census? On 4 June, we launched our 2021 Census topic consultation for England and Wales. We are asking users for their requirements the 2021 Census questionnaire might cover. Anyone can take part in this consultation and it is open until 27 August.
About the census topic consultation The initial consultation is to gather requirements for the 2021 Census, which informs question development and testing informs any further topic specific consultation informs prioritisation of admin data work enables those activities to happen in advance of the Census Test planned for 2017
Our consultation approach is similar to 2011 A principle of minimal change but providing an initial view on what’s in/out/borderline Consulting about information requirements by main topics Making admin data intentions clear - Some requirements may be met through admin data, e.g. income We will aim to harmonise topics across the UK - But consultations will occur at different times. NRS, NISRA currently assessing own timings Use of appropriate digital tools - Citizen Space an online platform for consultation High-level approach
Citizen Space - Taking part is easy We use Citizen Space – an online consultation platform widely used by government – to host our 2021 Census topic consultation and collect responses People can access Citizen Space directly topics-consultation or the link is available from the ONS and Welsh Government websites, and from GOV.UK topics-consultation
What about admin data? Potential to use admin data to supplement or replace information collected by the census Some requirements may be met through admin data, e.g. income We will produce an assessment to evaluate our progress towards an admin approach Reaffirming our measures/commitment to continuing to protect the confidentiality of census and admin data All admin datasets with person identifiable information are held as anonymised datasets in a Statistical Research Environment (SRE) with strong security safeguards
Our initial view on topics Topic proposalsPreviously collected? Collect 25 topicsAll collected in 2011 Census Do not collect 3 topics2 topics collected in 2011, 1 new topic 7 topics require further information 5 topics collected in 2011, 2 new topics 1 topic may be possible using admin data 1 new topic Proposed no change in population or output bases
How we got to our initial view Developed through: - Assessment of quality from 2011; - Assessment of user need and relevance from 2011 and more recent consultations - Considering respondent burden Developed with: - Topic experts throughout ONS -Welsh Government -National Records of Scotland/Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency review -Review by other Government Departments
Status definitions – Our current view StatusDefinition Collect Proposed to include based on user need and current understanding of quality issues Do not collect Proposed not to include as we have concerns about collection, acceptability or low user need Do not collect. Explore Admin data potential Where we can see potential to use admin data as an alternative Further information requiredWhere there may be potential to make savings depending on strength of user need and availability of admin data
Status Topic & Sub-topic Do not collect 3 topics Labour market and socio-economic classifications - Supervisory status and Year last worked Travel – Address of place of study Explore Admin data potential 1 topic Income Further information required 7 topics Housing – Number of rooms Housing – Type of central heating Housing – Number of cars and vans Health – Long-term health problem or disability Labour market and socio-economic classifications – Industry Labour market and socio-economic classifications – Volunteering and unpaid work Sexual identity Overview of the ‘Do not collect’, ‘Further information required’ and ‘Explore admin data potential’ topics
How we will evaluate responses User requirementsConsiderations Strength of user need Need for information for small geographies or populations Suitability of alternative sources Requirement for multivariate analysis Assessment of need for UK comparability Continuity with previous Censuses Data quality Public acceptability Respondent burden Financial concerns Questionnaire design Operational requirements Improving coverage Coding of derived variables Navigation of form
What you can do Attend one of our roadshows to find out more Newcastle (22 June), Birmingham (23 June), Cardiff (24 June) and London (25 June) Feel free to share information about this 2021 topic consultation with your contacts Send us your views! Contact: Census Customer Services +44 (0)
Back-up slides Topic Overview
Basic demographics and household composition, and housing TopicSub-topicCollected in 2011 Census Yes or No Status Basic demographics and household composition AgeYesCollect SexYesCollect Marital StatusYesCollect Household and family relationships YesCollect Housing Type of accommodation and self-containment YesCollect Tenure and landlord (if renting) YesCollect Number of bedroomsYesCollect Number of roomsYes Further information required Type of central heatingYes Further information required Number of cars or vansYesFurther information required
Ethnicity and national identity, language, religion, migration and citizenship TopicSub-topicCollected in 2011 Census Yes or No Status Ethnicity and national identity Ethnic groupYesCollect National identityYesCollect LanguageWelshYesCollect in Wales Main languages usedYesCollect English language proficiencyYesCollect where main language not English (or Welsh in Wales) Religion YesCollect Migration and citizenshipLong-term international migration (year of arrival and citizenship) YesCollect Short-term international migration (intention to stay) YesCollect Internal migration (address one year ago) YesCollect
Education, health, carers TopicSub-topicCollected in 2011 Census Yes or No Status Education Qualifications heldYesCollect Health General healthYesCollect Long-term health problem or disability Yes Further information required Carers Amount of unpaid care provided YesCollect
Labour market and socio-economic classifications, and travel TopicSub-topicCollected in 2011 Census Yes or No Status Labour market and socio- economic classifications Economic activity and hours worked YesCollect OccupationYesCollect National Statistics socio- economic classification (NS- SeC) YesCollect IndustryYes Further information required Supervisory status and Year last worked YesDo not collect Volunteering and unpaid workNo Further information required Travel Method of transport to place of work YesCollect Address of place of workYesCollect Address of place of studyNoDo not collect
Income, sexual identity TopicSub-topicCollected in 2011 Census Yes or No Status Income No Do not collect. Explore admin data potential Sexual identity NoFurther information required