New developments and their interaction in the marine and coastal zones – the developers perspective. Key problems and solutions. Tidal Lagoon Power
Tidal lagoons – the concept Marine impoundment, one entry/exit Bidirectional turbines Total power depends on: o tidal “head” o surface area (scalable) 3-4 years build time 120 years design life Lagoon interior “flushed” 4 x a day Multi-purpose energy infrastructure Positive ecological & lifestyle benefits Potential coastal & flood protection 24
Tidal lagoons: secure, renewable energy at a nuclear scale, but with… Faster deployment Longer life No subsidy for most of life British ownership British supply chain Safe & inexpensive decommissioning Coastal flood protection Amenity value Education & arts programs Conservation, restocking & biodiversity programme
24 Wall length: 9.5km Area: 11.5km 2 Installed capacity: 320MW Daily generating time: 14 hours Annual output (net): 495GWh Annual CO 2 savings: 236,000 t Design life: 120yrs Height of wall: 5-20m Wall above low water: 12m Wall above high water: 3.5m Tidal range Neaps: 4.1m Tidal range Springs: 8.5m Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay: a blueprint
6 lagoons 30 TWh 8% 30% UK electricity* == UK homes or *Upon completion of 6 lagoons (2027) Projected UK power generation 2027 (DECC, 2013) = TWh Average h’hold consumption (DECC, Mar ‘14) = 3.8 MWh UK h’holds (ONS, 2013) = 26,414,000
Multi-purpose infrastructure
Planning context Planning Act 2008 +100MW offshore lagoon = NSIP DCO comprises: seawall, turbine housing, offshore cable, limited onshore facilities Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Marine license required for construction and dredging in Welsh waters Issued by Welsh Govt. Marine Licensing Team of Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Apply to Swansea/NPT Councils for elements outside NSIP above Mean Low Water 8
Key planning issues Constant since Day One: o Coastal processes o Ecology (incl. fish, birds, marine mammals, other species) o Water quality o Visual impact o Navigation Focus in examination: o Welsh devolution and AD o Decommissioning o HRA and WFD 9
Build on consultation/engagement success Seek NPS support for tidal lagoons and mitigation/compensation Follow Evidence Plan process Better technical design Fuller AEMP at submission Fuller decomm’g strategy at submission Better address the uncertainties for earlier SoCG Planning for future UK projects
Tidal Lagoon Cardiff Indicative design: Average tide:9.21m Area:70km 2 Length: 22km Turbines:60-90 Installed cap:1, ,800MW Output: 4-6TWh p/a Comfortably enough low carbon electricity to power every home in Wales * *Average annual electricity consumption per Welsh household = 3,928 kWh m Welsh households Figures are based on a single indicative design iteration and are not necessary representative of any scheme that may be developed
International tidal lagoon potential Deep red locations have high tidal range & may present lagoon opportunities
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