Carnarvon,North Wales
Carnarvon is a lovely sweet welsh town situated next to Snowdonia national park, ideal for touring Gwynedd, Snowdonia, and Anglesey in North Wales. Trabalho elaborado por:Theodore Allen nº20 Carnarvon, North Wales
In Carnarvon you can visit the World Heritage Site of Caernarfon Castle, the most famous of Wales' castles, there are also lots of local pubs and restaurants, where you can eat traditional Welsh food, and drink welsh ales. Trabalho elaborado por:Theodore Allen nº20
A great hotel to stay in is the Black boy inn offering hotel style accommodation and dining of distinction for more than five centuries. Situated in the heart of the Royal Borough of Carnarvon, within the medieval town walls, the inn has charm aplenty with its roaring open fires, oak beams and all the Welsh character that its age and location suggests. Trabalho elaborado por:Theodore Allen nº20 Carnarvon, North Wales
There are many other interesting places a tourist can go to visit in Carnarvon; this includes the Welsh Highland Railway Trabalho elaborado por:Theodore Allen nº20 Carnarvon, North Wales
The Hwylfan Fun Centre if you want your kids to have fun. Trabalho elaborado por:Theodore Allen nº20 Carnarvon, North Wales
Greenwood Centre if you want to walk in the forest. Trabalho elaborado por:Theodore Allen nº20 Carnarvon, North Wales
There is the Feanol Festival that has international bands. Trabalho elaborado por:Theodore Allen nº20 Carnarvon, North Wales
There are also many restaurants, pubs and some clubs in town that you can go to, the prices are generally mid ranged but can be a bit costly. Trabalho elaborado por:Theodore Allen nº20 Carnarvon, North Wales
Trabalho elaborado por:Theodore Allen nº20 Carnarvon, North Wales