Housing LIN 2013/2014 (2 nd Quarter update) Jeremy Porteus Director Housing LIN
Housing LIN update Web developments: Hosting Housing and Care for Older People Research Network webpages and relaunch of HCOPRN at the BSG annual conference, University of Oxford In discussion with Welsh Government about extending Housing LIN reach into Wales Follow us on
Housing LIN updates Policy news: Bilateral between DCLG and DH ministers to reflect on Lord Filkin’s Select Committee Report, ‘Ready of Ageing?’ Department of Health’s consultation, ‘Caring for our Future’ Kings Fund Inquiry on The Future of Health and Social Care DCLG consultation on building standards, deadline 22 October 2013
Housing LIN updates Funding news: Phase One of DH Care & Support Specialist Housing (CASSH) Fund, announced of 24 July 121 schemes allocated funding under CASSH, admin by HCA/GLA (regional split on Housing LIN regional webpages) Phase Two of CASSH - tbc 2013/14 Spending review, extra £115m for CASSH and £220m for DFGs from health New ASC Community Capacity Grant allocations for 2013/2014
Housing LIN update New Housing LIN Report In partnership with the Technology Strategy Board Assisted Living Innovation Platform, report on The Long Term Care Revolution and European case study on Dutch policy and practice
Housing LIN update New Housing LIN Report ‘Transforming Almshouses for the 21 st century’
Housing LIN update New Housing LIN Factsheet: In partnership PRP Architects, ‘Understanding landscape design around extra care housing and dementia’
Housing LIN update New Housing LIN Report: In partnership with the International Longevity Centre - UK, and supported by the Campaign to End Loneliness, ‘What role extra care housing in a socially isolated landscape’
Housing LIN Update What about the other 95% - the Elderflowers project An older person’s perspective of the housing landscape in England Older People: New kids on the block Lifelong neighbourhoods: how older people can add value A new era of accommodation for the 3 rd Age: constructing excellence A selection of new Housing LIN Viewpoints:
Housing LIN Update ‘Tibby’s Triangle in Southwold – HAPPI prospects’ ‘Building Positive Futures in Thurrock’ ‘A healthy partnership: predicting future demand for extra care in Calderdale’ ‘Independent Living with Care: Giving greater choice as you like it!’ ‘Roden Court: integrating care, integrating community’ A selection of new Housing LIN case studies: Roden Court, Haringey
Latest Housing LIN resources Briefings on Cohousing for commissioners and architects Viewpoint on community-led and cooperatives housing Viewpoint on Future of Supported Housing Viewpoint and case study on diet and nutrition in extra care housing Viewpoints on designing products for an ageing population Other new resources:
New workstreams/programmes Ongoing work with consortium on Health and Housing compact with NHS England and Clinical Commissioning Groups (due to be launched at ADASS conference) Link with Royal Society of Public Health – masterclass Working with Skills for Care to develop a series of good practice videos on care workforce issues in a housing setting Further developments Working in partnership:
New activities/resources Selection of Housing LIN regional meetings between October and December 2013 Series of regional events with CIH on sheltered housing Annual conference in London in early 2014 SE/SW conference in Swindon planned for May 2014 And drive to hit 50,000 members by the end of 2014! Forthcoming activities:
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