Convection current station lab
Mixing Colors What did you think would happen? Why did this happen?
Moving in Circles How did the blue and red water move? Why do you think they move this way? Does this model show energy distribution by radiation, conduction, or convection? What is the predictable pattern thermal energy moves in? =Ak9CBB1bTcc&list=WLeXZPbYeJd M58IZ_qGxaXmOItx0jAo8TT =Ak9CBB1bTcc&list=WLeXZPbYeJd M58IZ_qGxaXmOItx0jAo8TT v=7xWWowXtuvA v=7xWWowXtuvA
Currents Which direction do most of the currents in the northern hemisphere move? Southern hemisphere? Where are most warm currents located? Cooler currents? If there is one person in California and another person in New York and they both measure the temp of the water, how would their results compare?
Unequal Heating in the Oceans What is the source for almost all of Earth’s energy? Are all areas of Earth equally heated by the Sun? Why or why not? What happens to the density of water when it is warmed? What happens to the density of water when it is cooled?
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