Local Winds EQ: What are local winds?
STOP & THINK Think about notes on Convection Currents… – Convection Currents are the constant circulation of warm air rising and cool air sinking. – Convection Currents form- 1.Local Winds 2.Global Winds 3.Surface Ocean Currents Go back to your notes on Solar Energy and THINK about what heats up quicker…..Land or Water?
Two Types of Winds 1.Local Winds 2.Global Winds
What are Local Winds? 1. Local Winds blow over short distances. 2. Local Winds are caused by unequal heating of Earth’s surface within a small area. 3. They occur next to a body of water. 4.Two types of local winds: Sea or lake breeze – wind that blows from an ocean or lake Land breeze – winds that blow from land to water You will draw and explain the two local winds below this line.
COLD AIR replaces WARMAIR on Earth’s surface. Winds blow from the water to land during the DAY. Sea Breeze
COLD AIR replaces WARM AIR on Earth’s surface. Winds blow from the land to water at night. Land Breeze
Land/Sea Breeze erc/content/visualizations/es1903/es1903page01. cfm?chapter_no=visualizationhttp:// erc/content/visualizations/es1903/es1903page01. cfm?chapter_no=visualization If you cannot open the link above then go to my website and look under my Science Links and you will find it there. The link is titled Land & Sea Breezes.
Stop…..do not go beyond this page
Bell Ringer 10/20/14 1. Turn in the “Winds” worksheet from Friday. 2. What are the 3 global wind belts and where are they located? 3. Which global wind is responsible for forming hurricanes? 4. Which global wind is responsible for moving hurricanes away from the USA?
Bell Ringer 10/21/14 Describe the difference between a land breeze and a sea breeze. What material on Earth absorbs most of the Sun’s heat?
1) Trade Winds –Blow east to west in the tropical region –Moves warm air
2) Prevailing Westerlies – Blow west to east in the temperate region – Hurricanes (formed by trade winds) are often turned by the westerlies once they enter the temperate zone. – Weather systems in the US move from west to east.
3) Polar Winds- – Blows from the northeast to the west in the polar region – Moves cold air from the pole to the west.
Sea BreezeLand Breeze