PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION TIMELINE Full Presidential Transition Process Spans from April/May of Election Year to the New Administration’s First 100 Days Key Presidential Transition Milestones Source: Center for Presidential Transition, “Presidential Transition Guide,” Partnership for Public Service, April May 9, 2016 | Alexander Perry Milestone Target Completion Date Milestone Target Completion Date Phase I: Pre-Election Planning Identify transition chair, executive director and other top leadership Early spring Vet and finalize shortlists for top priority presidential appointments Aug./Oct. Establish strategic priorities and work plan May Phase II: Post- Election Transition Launch Agency Review TeamsEarly Nov. Develop budget and fundraising plan May Select top 50 Cabinet appointees and key White House personnel Pre- Thanksgiving Set time targets for presidential appointments and identify priority positions June Develop policy implementation plan, budget and management agenda; send intended Cabinet agency appointments to Senate Nov./Dec. Coordinate with GSA to plan for office space, IT, financial resources June/July Submit Agency review reports and brief incoming agency heads January Create standardized agency review report format July Phase III: Post- Inauguration Handover Prepare cabinet orientation/retreatJanuary Catalog key campaign promises and identify policy priorities July-Oct. Fill top 100 Senate-confirmed positions End of April Submit security clearances for key transition personnel Aug./Sept. Fill remaining presidential appointments Aug. Congressional Recess *Recommendations outlined by the Center for Presidential Transition; insight based on study and analysis of past transitionsCenter for Presidential Transition
PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION TIMELINE Presidential Transition Process Can Be Divided Into Four Work- Streams: Operations, Policy, Agency Review & Appointments Four Critical Transition Workstreams Source: Center for Presidential Transition, “Presidential Transition Guide,” Partnership for Public Service, April May 9, 2016 | Alexander Perry Operations & SupportPolicy PlanningAgency Review Presidential Appointments Pre-Election Prepare to manage transition Staffing Logistics Security clearances Coordinate with Campaign Prepare for post-election phase Get skeleton staff in place Develop ‘promises book’ from campaign Prepare for post-election phase Line up staff Establish clear guidance for review teams Develop initial briefing materials for agency heads Build List of 200 names Initial vetting with public sources Start deep vetting of top candidates Plan later personnel opportunities Post-Election Managing the overall transition Budget Logistics Communications Coordination between White House and president-elect Coordinate with Congress Develop policy priorities for new administration Organized by major issue area Work on urgent policy issues Executive orders, regulations Budget next fiscal year Conduct Agency Assessments Identify program, policy priorities Identify urgent issues Review budgets Prepare summary materials for president and new agency heads Deeply vet top-level nominees Vet and select next level of nominees Establish operations to administer hiring process *Recommendations outlined by the Center for Presidential Transition; insight based on study and analysis of past transitionsCenter for Presidential Transition