T&T Ultimate Adventure #1 Update
Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and feed him for a lifetime. We want to teach a T&T clubber lifelong discipleship so he will be able to spiritually nurture himself for a lifetime.
1. So that all children and youth throughout the world would come to know, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. 2. To do deeper discipleship. 3. To see more children and teens become “Modern Day Josephs.” WHY
T&T Ultimate Adventure Book #1 32 sections (2 Start Zone sections + 30 sections in the handbook) = book completion (does not include “Bonus Box,” “Make It Stick” and Silver/Gold extra credit)
Four icons in a section Start Here (activity/do) Explore (Searching the Scriptures) Memorize (memorizing this week’s verse) Review (reviewing last week’s verse)
Parental/Caregiver involvement Extra Credit Not required - but encouraged
Your church’s missions focus!
2 sections 30 sections 32 sections: accumulate 4 sections for each award = 8 awards for completing a book Even though there are no Silver or Gold sections in the Start Zone, they count toward accumulating the 4 needed for the first Silver and Gold patch.
Per book: 8 chevrons 8 silver 8 gold
dateSectiondateSection 9/7Start Zone-section 11/42:6 9/14Start Zone-section 21/112:7 9/211:11/183:1 9/281:21/253:2 10/51:32/13:3 10/121:42/83:4 10/191:52/153:5 10/261:62/223:6 11/21:7-Missions3/13:7 11/92:13/84:1 11/162:23/154:2 11/23No Club-Thanksgiving3/224:3 11/302:33/294:4 12/72:44/54:5 12/142:54/124:6 12/21No Club-Christmas4/194:7 12/28No Club-New Year4/26Award Night 2:8 and 3:8 are AwanaGO Missions sections. These sections (along with 1:7) are for the purpose of promoting missions in and through your church and in the lives of your clubbers. Consider having a fall and winter Super Section Saturday to complete the two sections not included in the above schedule. PACED Sample calendar for
Answer Key (back of the book)
Fast Track 15 Minutes before club Three benefits of doing it before club!! 1.Have many leaders on hand. 2.Clubber promptness in arriving before club begins. 3.Start focusing on the night’s lesson. *If it is too difficult to do it this way then make a special time during the night to do fast track, but not during small group. Consider adjustments and modifications. This is a time before or during the club meeting to do the verse recitation (this week’s new verse and last week’s review verse). This lightens the load of small group time in order to interact with clubbers.
Opening (5 minutes) Welcome, Prayer, Introduce Weekly Topic and Verse
Game/Activity Time
39 Large Group Time (20 Minutes) Opener, Main Lesson, Application
Small Group Time (25 Minutes) Discussion, Memory Work, Prayer *There are many options for discussion in Small Group Time. Leaders may choose to continue the discussion started in the application portion of the Large Group Time. Use the discussion questions provided in the Small Group Guide to allow kids to ask their own questions or to complete the Explore This! section from the kids’ handbooks together.
Closing (5 minutes) Sum it Up from Large Group Lesson (Parents arrive and join in the Closing)
Club structure Game timeFast Track Game Time Lg. Group 3 rd 4 th Lg. Group 5 th 6 th new bookcontinue as they began 3 rd grade4 th grade5 th grade6 th grade
Club structure Fast Track Game Time Lg. Group 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th new book 3 rd grade4 th grade5 th grade6 th grade
The schedule below is a suggested template for a 1 ½ hour club. Feel free to adjust it accordingly. The Game Time can be put anywhere. In this schedule, it is right before closing. In order to maximize Large Group Time, have it before Small Group Time. -It helps the leader review for Small Group Time. -It helps lay the groundwork for Small Group Time. 6:15-6:30Fast Track (15 minutes prior to official start of T&T) (before club starts) 6:30-6:35Opening (Welcome, Prayer, Introduce Weekly Topic and Verse) If you have a combined opening, dismiss the other clubs. 6:35-6:55Large Group Time (Opener, Main Lesson, Application) Start Here and Explore will be done as a group. 6:55-7:00Transition to Small Group Time 7:00-7:25Small Group Time (Discussion, Memory Work, Prayer) Memorize and Review will be done as a group. 7:25-7:30Transition to Game Time 7:30-7:50Game Time 7:50-7:55Transition to Closing 7:55-8:00Closing (Sum it up from Large Group Lesson) (Parents arrive by 7:55 and join in).
The schedule below is a suggested template for a 1 ½ hour club. Game Time is in the middle. 6:15-6:30Fast Track (15 minutes prior to official start of T&T) (before club starts 6:30-6:35Opening (Welcome, Prayer, Introduce Weekly Topic and Verse) If you have a combined opening, dismiss the other clubs. 6:35-6:55Large Group Time (Opener, Main Lesson, Application) Start Here and Explore will be done as a group. 6:55-7:00Transition to Game Time 7:00-7:20Game Time 7:20-7:25Transition to Small Group Time 7:25-7:50Small Group Time (Discussion, Memory Work, Prayer) Memorize and Review will be done as a group. 7:50-7:55Transition to Closing 7:55-8:00Closing (Sum it up from Large Group Lesson) (Parents arrive by 7:55 and join in).
The schedule below is a suggested template for a 1 hr. 45 min. club with Game Time first. 6:15-6:30Fast Track (15 minutes prior to official start of T&T) (before club starts 6:30-6:35Opening (Welcome, Prayer, Introduce Weekly Topic and Verse) If you have a combined opening, dismiss the other clubs. 6:35-7:00Game Time 7:00-7:05Transition to Large Group Time 7:05-7:30Large Group Time (Opener, Main Lesson, Application) Start Here and Explore will be done as a group. 7:30-7:35Transition to Small Group Time 7:35-8:05Small Group Time (Discussion, Memory Work, Prayer) Memorize and Review will be done as a group. 8:05-8:15Closing (Sum it up from Large Group Lesson) (Parents arrive by 8:05 and join in).
The schedule below is a suggested template for a 1 hr. 45 min. club. Fast Track is during the club night. 6:30-6:35Opening (Welcome, Prayer, Introduce Weekly Topic and Verse) If you have a combined opening, dismiss the other clubs. 6:35-6:55Game Time 6:55-7:00Transition to Fast Track 7:00-7:15Fast Track 7:15-7:40Large Group Time (Opener, Main Lesson, Application) Start Here and Explore will be done as a group. 7:40-8:05Transition to Small Group Time 7:35-8:05Small Group Time (Discussion, Memory Work, Prayer) Memorize and Review will be done as a group. 8:05-8:15Closing (Sum it up from Large Group Lesson) (Parents arrive by 8:05 and join in).