Patron Driven Acquisition: An Overview Kelli Gonzalez, ebrary Specialist March 21, 2013 Library Technology Conference St. Paul, MN
2 Strategic E-book Acquisition Highest Quality Content Recent, relevant, reputable Scholarly and important STM publishers More university presses than other e-book providers Intuitive Platform Results also available on ProQuest Library Workflow Support Easier purchasing, integration with book vendors like YBP Flexible Acquisition Models Combine unique business models for greater ROI 10 years of usage data For libraries at any stage in their transition to e-books, ebrary offers:
3 Subscription Affordable base, unlimited multi-user access and continued growth 80,000 titles valued > $7 million Patron Driven Acquisition Expand the selection, only purchase if used Extended Access™ for single-user titles 316,000 additional titles valued > $24 million Short-Term Loans Supplement the collection, no commitment to purchase Perpetual Archive Purchase essential titles outright Extended Access™ for single-user titles Over 388,000 titles. If this were your only model, it would cost millions! PA SU B PDA STL
4 Subscription Affordable base, unlimited multi-user access and continued growth 80,000 titles valued > $7 million Patron Driven Acquisition Expand the selection, only purchase if used Extended Access™ for single-user titles 316,000 additional titles valued > $24 million Short-Term Loans Supplement the collection, no commitment to purchase Perpetual Archive Purchase essential titles outright Extended Access™ for single-user titles Over 388,000 titles. If this were your only model, it would cost millions! PA SU B PDA STL
5 Just in time, not just in case Vastly expand your selection to cost effectively meet patron demand – and avoid speculative perpetual acquisition of titles which might never be used Triggers 10 page views 10 minutes real usage Any copy, print, or download Why ebrary? Quality of titles Generous triggers Careful management of profiles Integration with library workflow
6 Highest Quality Content University Presses, Academic and STM Publishers 130+ University Presses More than other e- book aggregators YBP book distributor top publishers 19 / top 20 pubs 42 / top 50 pubs 84 / top 100 pubs Aiming for 50% match rate on profiled titles – by far the highest in the industry International Content German French Scandinavian Dutch Specialist Content STM Professional Vocational and Technical Public Library
7 PDA: How it works… DESIGN & PLANNING Determine budget Create profiles Set fund codes IMPLEMENTATION Titles made available for discovery Patrons trigger purchase/loan EVALUATION Weekly trigger reports show progress Monitor funds, manage profiles
8 Easy PDA for Public Libraries An Easy Way to Get Started with E-books! ebrary’s top 500 most used non-fiction titles from 2012 Experience-based selection from in-house librarians Complement to OverDrive accounts All English-language titles Same triggers as ebrary’s standard PDA program
“All for All” Consortial PDA Model All members can trigger, consortia would purchase Scenario for Consortial PDA How it works: 1.PDA ‘consideration repository’ is visible to ALL member libraries 2.Any patron from any member library can trigger a title via the ebrary triggering mechanisms (10 minutes/10 pages/ Any printing, copying or downloading) 3.Once triggered all members’ patrons have access to the title 4.The consortia or individual institutions are invoiced appropriately
For patrons Free downloads Free mobile apps Highlighting and annotations Powerful research tools Integration with Summon and ProQuest platform For librarians Free MARCs Admin tools to easily set up profiles, assign fund codes, monitor fund balance, run usage stats and more Weekly trigger reports Live and pre-recorded trainings
11 Strategic E-book Acquisition Highest Quality Content Recent, relevant, reputable Scholarly and important STM publishers More university presses than other e-book providers Intuitive Platform Results also available on ProQuest Library Workflow Support Easier purchasing, integration with book vendors like YBP Flexible Acquisition Models Combine unique business models for greater ROI 10 years of usage data For libraries at any stage in their transition to e-books, ebrary offers: