Adults living with HIV (15+) (thousands) [5] Children living with HIV (0-14) (thousands) [5] Pregnant women with HIV delivering (thousands) [5,6] Orphans due to AIDS (age 0-17) (thousands) [5] Elimination of new HIV infection among children and keeping their mothers alive Angola Background Statistics November Maternal and Child Survival Maternal Mortality Rate (per live births) [1] <5 Mortality Rate (per live births) [2] Infant Mortality Rate (per live births) [2] Neonatal Mortality Rate (per live births) [2] Antenatal and Delivery Health Coverage Pregnant women attending at least 4 ANC visit [2,3] 47% Pregnant women attending at least 1 ANC visit [2,3,4] 68% 80% Births attended by skilled personnel [3] 49% 1 HIV/AIDS: Incidence and Mortality [5] Text Maternal and Child Health Burden of HIV/AIDS New HIV Infections AIDS Deaths Option B+ Implementation
Partner HIV testing † Knowledge about HIV prevention among young women (15-24) [5] 25.3%----- †No data for this variable were identified Prong 1New HIV infection in women (age 15-49) [8] Prong 2Unmet need for family planning (age 15-49) ‡ [9] 28.8% 28.6% 28.5%28.4% Prong 3 Final transmission rate, including breastfeeding [8] 38% - 37%30%25% MTCT rate at 6 weeks [8] 15% - 16% 13%10% Maternal ARV/ART coverage [8] 18% - 14%17%30%45% Breastfeeding ARV coverage [6] 0% %- Prong 4HIV+ women receiving ART for their own health [4] % ‡ Only married or in-union women are included in the data available for this target Elimination of new HIV infection among children and keeping their mothers alive November Angola Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission Pregnant women with a known HIV status † %- Pregnant women receiving ARVs [5] -21%14%17%30%45% Pregnant women initiating ART [7] % Pregnant women with HIV delivering § [4,6] HEI started on cotrimoxazole prophylaxis [4,7] 14%--11%-24% HEI tested by 2 months [5] -3%5%6%15%14% Final HIV test for HEI (18-24 months) † † No data for this variable were identified § Used as the proxy for number of HIV-Exposed Infants Targets for the Four Prongs of EMTCT PMTCT Cascade Additional Indicators Unmet Need [5] *Number of pregnant women living with HIV delivering used as a proxy for this indicator Option B+ Implementation
Elimination of new HIV infection among children and keeping their mothers alive November References [1] Trends in Maternal Mortality: 1990 to 2015, Estimates by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group and the United Nations Population Division. Nov Available from: [2] Global Health Observatory data repository. WHO Website: [3] World Health Statistics: WHO Available from: [4] UNICEF Data: Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women Website: [5] AIDSinfo. UNAIDS Website: [6] 2014 Progress Report on the Global Plan. UNAIDS Available from: [7] The Interagency Task Team on the Prevention and Treatment of HIV Infection in Pregnant Women, Mothers and Children Website: [8] 2015 Progress Report on the Global Plan. UNAIDS Available from: [9] Model-Based Estimates and Projections of Family Planning Indicators 2015: Unmet Need for Family Planning. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Population Division, Fertility and Family Planning Section Website: [10] WHO-UNICEF immunization coverage estimate Website: Comment about disparity between routine vaccination coverage (n=3) and EID. Angola Health System Coverage and Effectiveness Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Text about unmet need in ART, expanding gap between adult & ped ART coverage, and increased 12 month ART retention. Comparing Routine Vaccination and EID Coverage [5,10] Universal Treatment [5] Option B+ Implementation