For learning and competence Competence-based National Qualification system in Finland Riga 3. – Counsellor of Education Mari Räkköläinen Head of VET - development Unit
3 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs VET AT UPPER SECONDARY LEVEL 8 FIELDS OF EDUCATION 53 VET –QUALIFICATIONS and 116 study programs/ areas of competence 1. Humanities and Education 3 vocational qualifications 2. Culture 6 vocational qualifications 3.Social Sciences, Business and Administration 1 vocational qualification 4.Natural Sciences 1 vocational qualification 5. Technology, Communications and Transport 26 vocational qualifications 6.Natural Resources and the Environment 5 vocational qualifications 7. Social Services, Health and Sports 6 vocational qualifications 8.Tourism, Catering and Home Economics 5 vocational qualifications
4 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs COMPETENCE-BASED QUALIFICATION SYSTEM Structure Matriculation examination University degrees Polytechnic degrees Specialist vocational qualifications Further vocational qualifications Vocational qualifications Basic education WORKING LIFE
5 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs Three levels of competence-based qualifications Initial vocational qualifications indicate competence to enter employment in the field. Further vocational qualifications indicate the vocational skills required of skilled worker in the field. Specialist vocational qualifications indicate a command of the most demanding tasks in the field.
6 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs COMPETENCE-BASED QUALIFICATIONS Number of titles of qualifications (2008) SectorsVocational qualification Further vocational qualification Specialist vocational qualification Total Natural Resources Sector Technology and Transport Sector Business and Administration Sector Tourism, Catering and Home Economics Sector Health and Social Services Sector, Leisure and Physical Education Culture Sector Humanistic and Educational Sector 336 Natural Sciences Sector 1113 TOTAL
7 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs COMPETENCE BASED QUALIFICATION SYSTEM FOR ADULTS (since 1994) Vet-, further- and specialist qualifications The system allows for the awarding of qualifications, regardless of how and where the competences (KCS’) have been acquired from. Decisions procedures of qualifications/units and national requirements are the same as like in VET (no determination of the scope of qualifications, only learning outcomes) The learning outcomes can be demonstrated and accredited in officially approved skills demonstrations/ tests. If not complete, individuals only need to study those areas which as yet they have not mastered.(individual plans for demonstrations and recognition of prior learning) The responsibility for the organisation and supervision of the competence tests rests with Qualification Committees(trade unions, employers and teachers), who give certificates
8 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs Skills Demonstrations for Initial Vet (since 2006) skills demonstrations are introduced in all VET the students show how well they have achieved the objectives of the vocational studies, qualification requirements and the skills required in working life planned, implemented and assessed in co-operation with working life organized in genuine working environments during the three school years essential part of student assessment
9 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs General Objectives of Vocational Education and Training in Finland knowledge and skills necessary for vocational competence and (self-)employment support for personal growth and citizenship knowledge and skills needed for further studies and in life-long learning
10 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs 1. Mastering of work processes 2. Mastering of tasks, working methods, tools and materials 3. Mastering of knowledge that forms foundation for work 4. LLL- key competencies common to all qualifications Knowledge Skills Competence TARGETS OF ASSESSMENTS VS. LEARNING OUTCOMES DESCRIBED IN TERMS OF ”KSC”
11 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs Assessment of competence The competence of students/candidates is assessed in terms of knowledge, skills and competences. Defined within the National Qualification Requirements (national core curricula) adopted by the Finnish National Board of Education Each target of assessment has been assigned assessment criteria at satisfactory (1), good (2) and excellent (3) levels. Assessment of vocational studies is carried out by teachers and representatives from the world of work Students self-assessment is crucial
12 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs Vocational Qualifications by the Finnish National Board of Education Common part of the curriculum by VET provides Curriculum of the VET-Qualifications by VET providers Acts and Dcrees Guidelines Aims of VQ Study modules and assessment criteria Description and values of branch Organising VET in practise Pedagogigal guidelines Learning environments Co-operations with other VET peroviders Sustainable development Structure of the VET-Qualifications Syllabus of the studies Supply of local study modules Assessment plans and methods
13 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs QUALITY ASSURANCE OF VET SYSTEM Ministry of Education gives out permissions for VET providers to award qualifications (to specific field of fields). Education and training providers must evaluate training they provide, impact of training and take part in external evaluations and publish the main results of evaluations.(the law 630/1998) Performance-baced financing system is becoming more prevalent -> further funding Guidelines and recommendations -> “Recommendations for quality assurance in VET” 2008
14 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs THE ROLE OF DIFFERENT ORGANISATIONS and PARTNERS IN FINNISH VET –SYSTEM (1/2) Governement Ministry of Education Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE) Tripartitie National Education and Training Committees (all education) Tripartitie Qualification Committees (Competence based system for adults) Sectoral or multi-sectoral Steering Committees (skills- demonstrations)
For learning and competence DEMONSTRATED COMPETENCE National evaluations and student assessment based on skills demonstrations NCP-VET-CO project Riga 3.6. – Counsellor of Education, Head of Unit Mari Räkköläinen
17 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs POLITICAL DEMANDS FOR A NEW EVALUATION SYSTEM IN THE FIELD OF VET IN FINLAND European ”pressures” for international and national comparison, standardization, outcome-based orientation All initial vocational qualifications will be attended by practical skills demonstrations -skills demonstrations are an integral part of teaching and the learning process -skills demonstrations are essential part of student assessment National evaluation will be integrated with local skills demonstrations To abolish a system based on separate national final tests
18 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs CONTEXT-BASED assessment and evaluation POINTS OF DEPATURE Authentic assessment Criterion-referenced assessment (not comparative or controlling) Assessment supports person´s capability to evolve in his profession and to learn from his/her work (empirical and reflective learning) Focus also on learning to learn and problem-solving skills and capacity for interaction and co-operation, not only acquired knowledge Assessment facilitates learning and development Evaluator pays conscious attention to the contextuality of the evaluation data (realistic evaluation and sustainable evaluation) Evaluation recognizes the processes and structures that create learning and progression Pettigrew 1985; Kolb 1984; Mezirow 1981,1991,1995; Wolf 1995; Pawson & Tilley 1997, Boud 2000; Räkköläinen 2005; Poikela & Räkköläinen 2006)
19 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs Core curriculum Skills demonstration The key competence areas of the study entity are formed and evaluated by assessment area. The general assessment targets and criteria are applied to the goals and content of the curriculum functional cognitive social reflective capability WorkinglifeWorkinglife INTEGRATION OF SYSTEM OF EVALUATING BY LEARNING RESULTS WITH A SYSTEM OF ASSESSMENT BY SKILL DEMONSTRATIONS (Räkköläinen 2005 ) INTEGRATION OF SYSTEM OF EVALUATING BY LEARNING RESULTS WITH A SYSTEM OF ASSESSMENT BY SKILL DEMONSTRATIONS (Räkköläinen 2005 ) General assessment targets E G S Study entity Areas of competence E G Assessment criteria S G E S G E S
20 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs OBJECTIVES of the new system with skills demonstrations To ensure the quality of vocational education and training To increase the correspondence of education and training with working life requirements To involve representatives of working life in assessment of students’ knowledge and skills To improve uniformity of student assessment To abolish a National evaluation system based on separate national final tests Making the transition to an evaluation system by using skills demonstrations and outcome-based orientation
21 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs EVALUATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES BASED ON SKILLS DEMONSTRATIONS POINTS OF DEPATURE The evaluation model is (completely) integrated with the skills demonstrations system It is integrated throughout the quality assurance system Local skills demonstrations, organized by the institutions, will produce the evaluation data The local tests were organized on basis of the national skills demonstrations material (guidance) in the beginning, now requirements and criteria for assessment in skills demonstrations are integrated in the national qualifications requirements (national standard) General assessment targets and criteria are uniform in all fields (applied to contents of study entities) No common or uniform tasks, based on local skills-demonstrations Consensus assessment (teacher-student-working life representative) Uniform documentation of student assessment
22 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs Best practices Development measures Skills demonstrations Institution QUICK FEEDBACK Institution’s private outcomes National comparative data Quality assurance results Background factors and variables student, teacher, school test process activity environment Data network EVALUATION DATA ON LEARNING RESULTS Data NATIONAL OUTCOME Assembly phase Analysis Feedback Folow-up (trends) IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS Themes Deviations Development targets Evaluation study Feedback
23 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs AIMS AND PURPOSES FOR NATIONAL EVALUATION BASED ON SKILLS DEMONSTRATIONS: To support and facilitate self evaluation of the participants To improve processes for assessment in VET To provide increased confidence in outcomes of skills demonstrations To identify best practices and to reduce poor practices in learning and assessment To improve the consistency of assessment across institutions, different fields and programmes Recognize the processes and structures that create further trust and reciprocal relations in education evaluation
24 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs FINDINGS FROM THE PILOT PROJECTS… Strengths The skills demonstrations Increase the validity, significance and authenticity of assessment Offer flexibility in local design of partnerships between working life and vocational providers Improve the assessment of competence and increase cooperation with working life Are useful and motivating Bring new information about quality of learning compared to the old system of evaluation
25 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs THE FINNISH WAY… Democratic and trust-based evaluation and QA, not national inspection Local accountability (providers) and autonomy, the institutions are responsible for their own evaluation and follow up (by legislation) Humanist, holistic approach to student assessment and the use of evaluation results (no league tables, no ranking lists) Goals of empowerment and personal development (individual study plans and path ways) High levels of professional skill (teacher education, motivation) High level of consensus and local agreement (stakeholders´ involvement)
26 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs FINDINGS FROM THE PILOT PROJECTS… Weaknesses Providers and assessors interpret the targets and criteria differently There is a wide variation in how tests are administered, who assess the students´ competence and in which curriculum targets are the focus There is more focus on functional targets than social and personal ones The skills demonstrations were not designed for reliable, nationally comparable results at the beginning
27 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs MAIN CHALLENGES Comparison: skills demonstrations and assessment practices vary a lot at the local level Time: it takes long time to get the results and institutions implement their tests based on their own curricula Overlap: how to link and connect assessment at the local level with evaluation at the national level -> Skills demonstrations cannot be the basis for national comparison on their own -> There is a need for quality assurance
28 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs CONCLUSIONS The skill demonstrations enhance the validity and authenticity of the student assessment and evaluation The problems are specifically ones of comparability and reliability There is always a trade of between validity and reliability in all assessment and evaluation systems It is important to think who is the audience for the results of evaluation (e.g. learning results) -> HOW TO USE THE EVALUATIONS FOR GOOD PURPOSES There is a need for quality assurance (QA)
29 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs THE FEEDBACK, ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION PROCESS (Poikela & Räkköläinen 2006, Räkköläinen 2010) Reflection/ knowledge FeedbackAssessmentEvaluation Parties/ Individuals Actors/ Developers Society Owners/ Decision makers Organization Skills testSystem Research/ knowledge Tension
30 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs THANK YOU !
31 For learning and competence MARI RÄKKÖLÄINEN/rs