How to Add Comments, Grades, Marks and Targets to a Markbook Turn on speakers for commentary Click to continue
Access ProMonitor from Staff Portal or Contact Quality and Standards if you don’t know your username and password
ProMonitor - Home Page (with grey/silver menus) Change Academic Year to 2013/14 Change password Your timetabled groups Search for a course ·click on search then courses ·put in first part of course code and select ·try P066ZEF
You can students from this screen Individual student details Click on a student to access their details - note the change of colour: terracotta - also opens up in a new tab. You can check prior achievement, SkillsBuilder results, punctuality and attendance on this page. ProMonitor Student Group Screen (with purple menus) ProMonitor Student Screen (with terracotta menus)
SMART Targets Select My SMART Targets on student details page (terracotta). Select Category, select enrolment, add date and enter the target. Click Add to save.
On the Student Group page, click Add Student Comment. Select the student(s) to receive the comment and click next. Select a comment type. Select from the drop down boxes the tutors or others who will see the comment. Use Add to FAO to include. Add your comment and other optional menu items where relevant. Save to complete action. Please note - students can see all this info and parents can request to see it. Student Comments To view/edit/review/follow up comments - access them through individual student pages (pink).
Markbook - this is where the course outcomes are stored. Tick to include Units, Assessments and Tasks relevant to Student Group. The Markbook is divided into: Units Assessments Tasks Markbook Structure shows the units that CMs have attached to the Course. Expand All shows the assessments and tasks linked to the units. You can add other Units, Assessments and Tasks for your group from the Course screens. Liaise with CMs before doing this.
Markbook - entering when assessments take place. You can create an Assessment Schedule by entering dates here.
Once assessments are finished you can select By Group to enter grades, date completed etc. Completion of Tasks updates the Assessment details, which in turn update the Units. You can enter information by Unit, Assessment or Task. Markbook - entering grades or marks for Units
You can select Assessment tab to complete each assessment and click on the little notepad icon to add a comment. Overall progress can be accessed through Assessment Plan or Assessment Marks or Completion Bar Chart. Markbook - entering grades or marks and comments for Assessments
Things to remember! Students can see all of this so.... be careful ! It is almost impossible to delete something on here once it's been generally need to untick it or select “Do Not Use”. Further training will be available in September - ILPs - setting up meetings - producing reports for parents/employers There will be ongoing support throughout 2013/14.
Thank you... please contact the Quality and Standards office on ext 2764 if you are having problems using the system or the IT helpdesk for any technical issues.