Contract: EIE/07/069/SI Duration: October 2007 – March 2010Version: Nov. 30, 2009 EN 15459: Energy performance of buildings – Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings Claude FRANÇOIS CSTB / France
slide 2 Outline The EU CENSE project Scope of the Standard Principle of the method Description of the method
slide 3 The EU CENSE project (Oct March 2010) Aim of the project: To accelerate adoption and improved effectiveness of the EPBD related CEN- standards in the EU Member States These standards were successively published in the years and are being implemented or planned to be implemented in many EU Member States. However, the full implementation is not a trivial task Main project activities: A.To widely communicate role, status and content of these standards; to provide guidance on the implementation B.To collect comments and good practice examples from Member States aiming to remove obstacles C.To prepare recommendations to CEN for a “second generation” of standards on the integrated energy performance of buildings
slide 4 Brief introduction A brief introduction to the CENSE project and the CEN-EPBD standards is provided in a separate presentation:
slide 5 Scope of the standard Method consider global approach of the building and systems –Envelope of the building –Ventilation –Heating and cooling –Domestic hot water Calculation may be run for specific duration (10-30 years) or lifetime of the building considered
slide 6 Content Global architecture for economic calculations –Economic parameters –Definition of systems –Definition of nature of costs Construction, Maintenance and Repair –… and incomes Energy sales, residual value of building at the end of the calculation period –Results given as a global value or average annuity Common definition of major indicators needed to drive economic calculations Data included in annexes –for lifetime of components –For maintenance costs and repair costs
slide 7 Principle of the method Costs are divided in: investment costs (including periodic replacement of components) running costs investment costs and replacement costs: Building construction related to energy losses and savings building insulation parts other parts related to energy systems HVAC + DHW Systems installation space heating (EN 12828) DHW ventilation (EN 13779)
slide 8 Principle of the method runing costs: Annual costs related to energy consumption space heating (EN 15316) domestic hot water (EN n) ventilation (EN 13779) other uses for energy Other annual costs energy contracts maintenance metering operation
slide 9 Global cost: Final value concept Principle of the method
slide 10 Example: If calculation period (T) exceeds lifespan T n (j) Principle of the method
slide 11 Principle of the method Alternative approach: annuity costs of the building annuity calculation method transforms any costs to an average annualized cost Whereas the global cost calculation method provides a value of the total costs throughout the considered calculation period τ, the annuity calculation method transforms, by the use of the annuity factor a(n), all costs to annual costs. Calculations separated into 3 parts for the calculation period τ : investment costs, related to the part of the building structure to be taken in account and any components and systems with a lifespan greater than or equal to the designed payback period of the building: distributed evenly on the design payback period of the building periodic or replacement costs: distributed evenly on the number of years between occurrences of the cost running costs given on an annual basis: by definition, annual costs
slide 12 Principle of the method Annuity calculation: annuity costs
slide 13 Description of the method Flowchart of the stages Step by step method
slide 14 Organization of the method (global)
slide 15 Organization of the method (compare 2 heating systems)
slide 16 Background and associated standards GERMANY VDI 2067 AUSTRIA M7140 FRANCE Méthode de coût global actualisé Free download available on SWITZERLAND SIA SN Calcul de rentabilité dans le bâtiment
slide 17 More information More information and downloads: Disclaimer: CENSE has received funding from the Community’s Intelligent Energy Europe programme under the contract EIE/07/069/SI The content of this presentation reflects the authors view. The author(s) and the European Commission are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Moreover, because this is an interim result of the project: any conclusions are only preliminary and may change in the course of the project based on further feedback from the contributors, additional collected information and/or increased insight.