EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Terms of Reference CGMS-ICWG CGMS International Clouds Working Group by EUMETSAT.


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Presentation transcript:

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Terms of Reference CGMS-ICWG CGMS International Clouds Working Group by EUMETSAT Presented to CGMS-42, WGII/8

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Background

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Introduction Contribution to CGMS-40 CGMS-40 EUM-WP-10: The Cloud Retrieval Evaluation Working Group (CRE-WG) presented first ideas to establish a CGMS International Clouds Working Group. Contribution to CGMS-41 CGMS-41 EUM-WP-05: The CRE-WG presented a working paper summarizing the focus of the proposed CGMS International Clouds Working Group (CGMS-ICWG), the ongoing activities in other forums addressing cloud parameter retrievals, and the financial implication of establishing this new CGMS working group. Action CGMS-41: WG II/8 Action Co-chairs of the CRE-WG are invited to draft the Terms of Reference for a CGMS Working Group on operational cloud parameter retrievals, jointly with the nominated points of contact from CGMS agencies. Due date CGMS-42

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Motivation Cloud parameters are used increasingly in now-casting, severe weather forecasting, process studies, model evaluations, climate monitoring, and more; CGMS members include more and more cloud detection and cloud parameter retrievals in their operational services; CGMS members ask for a mechanism that establishes links to the cloud parameter retrievals community and that facilitates: The CGMS-ICWG Terms of References presented in working paper (CGMS-42-EUMETSAT-WP-25) describe such a mechanism

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Response to CGMS-41: WG II/8 Action 41.27

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-ICWG: Nominated representatives NameOrganisationCountry Dr. Baum, BryanUWM (representing NASA)USA Dr. Bojinski, StefanWMOSwitzerland Mr. Chung, Sung-RaeNational Meteorological Satellite Center, KMAKorea Dr. Feng, LuCMAChina Dr. Heidinger, AndrewNOAAUSA Dr. Puviarasan, N.India Meteorological DepartmentIndia Dr. Roebeling, RobEUMETSATGermany Dr. Rublev, AlexeiRoshydrometRussia Mr. Uesawa, DaisakuMeteorological Satellite Center (MSC) Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Japan Table : Nominated CGMS-ICWG representatives (status )

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-ICWG Terms of Reference (1): Overarching objectives foster commonality for level-2 and level-3 operational cloud parameter retrievals and/or products; contribute to the assessment of differences between level-2 cloud parameter retrievals; contribute to the validation of both level-2 cloud parameter retrievals and their error estimates; identify and address research questions on level-2 cloud parameter retrieval algorithms and level-3 aggregation methods; contribute to process studies of clouds and/or convection; contribute to the definition of new space borne observation capabilities for cloud parameter retrievals and validation; support and stimulate training of the operational and scientific community; enhance the communication in this field and develop international partnerships.

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-ICWG Terms of Reference (2): Planned activities Biennial workshops; Training towards retrieving and interpreting cloud parameter products; Advice to CGMS member agencies at CGMS plenary; A forum to initiate and support validation efforts; Opportunities to participate in joint research projects; Outreach to users in the weather and climate communities.

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-ICWG Terms of Reference (3): Rules and Procedures Co-chairs to be nominated by the CGMS-ICWG representatives and appointed by the CGMS Plenary. to be appointed for a two-year term, with the possibility of renewals. Tasks of co-chairs to oversee accomplishment of the goals of the CGMS-ICWG; to coordinate reporting to CGMS; to coordinate organizing the biennial workshops; to guide the activities of the sub-working groups. Communication mechanisms of the CGMS-ICWG interacts with CGMS through a rapporteur; CGMS-ICWG present actions and recommendations to CGMS for endorsement; CGMS-ICWG maintains website on major outcomes (e.g. workshops, documents).

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS OUTCOME CREW-4 (4-7 March 2014, Grainau, Germany)

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Outcome CREW-4: Example outcomes Validation Assessments Aggregation Algorithms 0.65  m IDPSCLAVR-x/DCOMPGSFC PPS/CPP LARC Courtesy of Ulriich Hamann, MeteoSwiss Courtesy of Andrew Heidinger, NOAA Courtesy of Nadia Smith, UMW Courtesy of Fielding, UK Metoffice

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS To improve on level-2 cloud retrievals methods; To work towards characterizing product errors; To improve on level-3 aggregation methods; To use common databases and validation procedures; To explore the use of Multiple Algorithm Ensembles for uncertainty analysis; To explore the production of a long-term datasets aimed at stability; To establish CREW as CGMS International Clouds Working Group (CGMS-ICWG); To establish sub-working groups addressing specific research topics; To encourage GSICS to provide re-calibrations for the VIS, NIR, and IR channels of present and past passive imagers; To encourage the establishment of a network of Climate Anker Reference Sites * Outcome CREW-4: Recommendations * Sites operating several reference networks simultaneously (e.g. BSRN, GRUAN, AERONET)

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Recommendations to CGMS-41

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Action/recommendation The Terms of References of the CGMS-ICWG represent the consensus of the CRE-WG co-chairs and the nominated CGMS-ICWG representatives, and takes into account the recommendations made at the 4 th Cloud Retrieval Evaluation workshop (4–7 March 2014, Grainau, Germany). CGMS is asked to take note and to endorse the Terms of Reference for creation of an International Clouds Working Group within CGMS. Proposal to CGMS

EUMETSAT, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Thank You