How to write 12M Questions AO1 - FACTS AND THEORIES Get marks by describing and recalling psychological knowledge and understanding. AO2 - APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE Get marks by applying your knowledge to scenarios or contexts that are provided. AO3 - EVALUATION Get marks by analysing, interpreting, evaluation, suggesting or concluding.
Describe and evaluate two studies of social influence. [12] Step 1: Identify your command words (Describe and evaluate). Step 2: What are they asking me to do? Describe wants me to include the methods, findings and conclusion of TWO studies (AO1) Evaluate wants me to evaluate those TWO studies. (AO3) Step 3: Plan your answer. Note that there is no AO2 needed for this answer!
12 Marks AO1 = 6 AO3 = 6 Study two EG, Milgram Worth 6 marks on its own. Describe Milgram. Method, Findings, Conclusion Worth 3 marks on it’s own. AO1 = 3 Evaluate Milgram Use GRENADE/GRAVE Worth 3 marks on its own. AO3 = 3 Study one EG, Asch Worth 6 marks on its own. Describe Asch. Method, Findings, Conclusion Worth 3 marks on it’s own. AO1 = 3 Evaluate Asch Use GRENADE/GRAVE Worth 3 marks on its own. AO3 = 3
Marks broken down per AO. Your answers are banded by levels and capped at how many marks you can get. Aim high Guidance on what to include but not limited to. “I don’t know how to use a mark scheme.” It’s useful to look at mark schemes so you can see WHAT examiners are looking for & HOW to get there.
“What do the levels mean!? It’s all the same.” Level –12 marks. Knowledge of two studies of social influence is accurate and generally well detailed. Evaluation is effective. The answer is clear and coherent. Specialist terminology is used effectively. Minor detail and/or expansion is sometimes lacking. Level 3 - 7–9 marks Knowledge of two studies of social influence is evident. There are occasional inaccuracies. There is some effective evaluation. The answer is mostly clear and organised. Specialist terminology is mostly used appropriately. Level 2 - 4–6 marks Knowledge of two studies of social influence is present. Focus is mainly on description. Any evaluation is of limited effectiveness. The answer lacks clarity, accuracy and organisation in places. Specialist terminology is used inappropriately on occasions. OR one study answered at Level 3 or 4. Level 1 - 1–3 marks Knowledge of two studies of social influence is limited. Evaluation is limited, poorly focused or absent. The answer as a whole lacks clarity, has many inaccuracies and is poorly organised. Specialist terminology is either absent or inappropriately used. OR one study answered at Level 2. Clear, coherent and structured answers. Use the planning space! P.E.E.L Correct use of Terminology/Key Words. Evaluation quality. AO3 Knowledge of studies AO1
Aims, method and findings included for 2 studies. In depth evaluation of both, using key terms. Clear Structure: Study 1 Study 2 Links to the wider world Evaluation of both studies. A 12 mark, Level 4 answer.