ATLAS TIER3 in Valencia Santiago González de la Hoz IFIC – Instituto de Física Corpuscular (Valencia)
Santiago González de la Hoz, T3 Task Force 19-Oct Tier 3 prototype at IFIC Desktop Or Laptop (I) Atlas Collaboration Tier2 resources (Spanish T2) (II) ATLAS Tier3 resources (Institute) (II) Special requirements – PC farm to perform interactive analysis (III)
Santiago González de la Hoz, T3 Task Force 19-Oct Individual Desktop or Laptop Access to ATLAS software via AFS (Athena, root, atlantis, etc..) /afs/ This is not easy, we have used the installation kit but this is not working for development or nightly releases Local checks, to develop analysis code before submitting larger jobs to the Tier1-2 via Grid Use the ATLAS Grid resources (UI) /afs/ DQ2 installed at IFIC AFS /afs/ Users could search data and copy them to the local SE. Ganga client installed /afs/ Users can send jobs to the Grid for their analysis or production LXPLUSLXPLUS
Santiago González de la Hoz, T3 Task Force 19-Oct Phase (I) done From any PC at IFIC with AFS (i.e ) Requirements file at cmthome: # set CMTSITE STANDALONE set SITEROOT /afs/ macro ATLAS_DIST_AREA /afs/ macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/testarea apply_tag projectArea macro SITE_PROJECT_AREA ${SITEROOT} macro EXTERNAL_PROJECT_AREA ${SITEROOT} apply_tag setup apply_tag simpleTest use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA) set CMTCONFIG i686-slc3-gcc323-opt set DBRELEASE_INSTALLED # Release test: source /afs/ cd $HOME/cmthome/ cmt config /usr/kerberos/bin/kinit -4 source ~/cmthome/ -tag=12.0.6,32 cd $HOME/testarea/12.0.6/ cmt co -r UserAnalysis PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt source gmake
Santiago González de la Hoz, T3 Task Force 19-Oct Local SE STORM & Lustre GANGA Athena AOD Analysis ROOT/PROOF DPD or Ntuple Analysis -Ways to submit our jobs to other grid sites -Tools to transfer data -Work with ATLAS software -Use of final analysis tools (i.e. root) -User disk space
Santiago González de la Hoz, T3 Task Force 19-Oct Phase (II) resources coupled to Spanish ATLAS TIER2 (in progress) Nominal: ATLAS Collaboration resources: TB (SE) and CPU (WN) Tier2 Extra resources: WNs and SEs used only by Tier3 users Using different/share queues To run local and private production Production of MC samples of special interest for our institute (AOD for further analysis) To analyze AOD using GRID resources (AOD analysis on millions of events) To store interesting data for analysis
Santiago González de la Hoz, T3 Task Force 19-Oct Phase (III) a PC farm to perform interactive analysis outside Grid (it would be deployed) - Interactive analysis: DPD analysis (i.e. HightPTview, SAN, or AODroot..) - Install PROOF in a PC farm: - Parallel ROOT facility. System for interactive analysis of very large sets of ROOT data files (see Sergey’s slides on 5 th Oct) - Outside the Grid nodes - Fast Access to the data: Lustre and/or xrootd - Storm and Lustre under evaluation at IFIC - Xrootd (see Sergy’s slides) - Tier3 Grid and non-Grid resources are going to use the same SE
Santiago González de la Hoz, T3 Task Force 19-Oct StoRM Disk based SE Under evaluation Now using UnixfsSRM (dcache SRM version )for production in Tier2 Lustre in production in our Tier2 High performance file system Standard file system, easy to use Higher IO capacity due to the cluster file system Used in supercomputer centers Free version available Hardware 2 clients for GridFTP and SRM 2 disk servers with 17 TB each one (34 TB in total)
Santiago González de la Hoz, T3 Task Force 19-Oct Athena analysis AOD's 4 MB/s CPU limited and Athena Tests: RFIO without Castor
Santiago González de la Hoz, T3 Task Force 19-Oct The same test with DPD Both cases Lustre was used and data in the cache 1.8 MB/s with Root 340 MB/s with a simple “cat” 2 x Intel Xeon 3.06GHz 4 GBytes RAM 1 NIC Gigabit Ethernet HD: ST AS (Using a 3Ware card: LP)
Santiago González de la Hoz, T3 Task Force 19-Oct Summary From her/his desktop/laptop individual physicist can get access to: IFIC Tier2-Tier3 resources. ATLAS software (Athena, Atlantis, etc..), DDM/dq2 and Ganga tools. IFIC Tier3 resources will be split in two parts: Some resources coupled to IFIC Tier2 (ATLAS Spanish T2) in a Grid environment AOD analysis on millions of events geographically distributed. A PC farm to perform interactive analysis outside Grid To check and validate major analysis task before submitting them to large computer farms. A PROOF farm will be installed to do interactive analysis.