Group name Md.Shahid. Sajeda begum. Kausar alam. Inur nahar.
MD.Shahid. assistant teacher. Birahimpur govt.primary school. companigonj. noakhali. Mobile
Class:Two Subject:English Unit:5 Lesson:1. Page no:28
What is this? The rain bows.
The rainbows I see rainbows, Way up high, In the sky. I see rainbows, Way up high, In the sky.
Learning out comes Student will be able to -enjoy the rhythm and music of simple rhymes(4.1.1) Repite rhymes after the teacher(4.1.2)
Teacher recite the rhyme with acting.
Teacher recite the rhyme.all student listen.
Student recite the rhyme after the teacher.
S Ss recite the rhyme.
PAIR WORK Group-A-one line recite. Group-B-another line recite.
I.W Student recite the rhyme silently.
Evaluation Student write the rhyme two lines.