Help the World’s Endangered Animals By: Stephanie Wolf and Brad Kropp (6 Ways) (Especies Fact Sheet)
“In January 2013, the fish and wildlife services reported 2,054 species worldwide that are endangered or threatened. 1,436 exist in the U.S alone,” (11 Facts about Endangered Species).
Among the numerous species near extinction, the top 5 Species that are closest to extinction are: 1. Tigers 2. Polar Bears 3. The Pacific Walrus 4. Magellanic Penguin 5. Leatherback Turtle (Johansson, Gregory) (10 Facts)
Why do species become extinct? Humans are one of the main reasons #1) We cut down animals homes to construct our buildings and highways (Koala discovers) (Publicity)
Some people argue that we NEED these buildings and highways for humanity to stay alive. But, we must ask ourselves, is it fair to do so in a way that destroys innocent animal’s homes?
#2) Some people excessively hunt for pure entertainment or as a hobby. (Bird Hunting) (NWTF) (Archery)
#3) Animal Poaching Poaching=killing or hunting animals illegally and taking them in as “trophies” “Poaching is illegal in most countries, but in third world countries like Africa and India there are no laws against it,” (Poaching: The Facts). Poachers will try to sell anything and everything from an animal’s carcass—fur, horns, feet, heads (CSI Wildlife) (Indian Government)
This is how they poach….
(Rhino wars) (The Dwindling Animal Kingdom) (A Nation of Tragedies)
That’s not all….
(Well- Equipped)
These animals are helpless and confused when we hunt and destroy their homes. They are innocent creatures and when we invade in on their habitat, they become homeless or even worse, they d i e. How would you feel if someone just destroyed your house? The only place you know and trust?
It’s not too late to help! o Volunteer at a nearby wildlife habitat o Educate other people about local endangered species o Participate by supporting your local zoo o Recycle & reduce your carbon footprint o Support foundations against animal poaching
Only WE can help these animals, and we MUST take action before it’s too LATE.
Work Cited 6 Ways To Help Endangered Species Photograph. n.p. Web. 23 Apr species to watch in Photograph. WWFWeb. 25 Apr Facts About Endangered Species. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr A nation of tragedies: the unseen elephant wars of Chad Photograph. MongaBayWeb. 25 Apr Archery Photograph. Armells Creek OutfittersWeb. 25 Apr Bird Hunting Photograph. Oversize OutfittersWeb. 25 Apr CSI Wildlife: DNA Forensics Used to Prevent Elephant Poaching Photograph. TreeHuggerWeb. 25 Apr
Work Cited "Day Dreamer." Production Music. Free Play Music. compact disc, ESpecies Facts Sheets. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 23 Apr Indian Government Okays Shoot-on-Sight Orders to Prevent Tiger Poaching Photograph. EcoTravellerWeb. 25 Apr Johansson, Gregory. "5 Animals Closest to Extinction.". Environmental Graffiti. Web. 23 Apr Koala Discovers That His Home Has Been Cut Down Photograph. JPEGYWeb. 25 Apr Memorize anti-poaching hero: Soinam Targyai Photograph. China Tibet OnlineWeb. 26 Apr NWTF Photo Gallery: Turkey Hunting Photograph. NWTFWeb. 25 Apr Poaching: The Facts Photograph. WordPressWeb. 25 Apr Publicity-The Right of Animals. N.d. Photograph. ObviousWeb. 25 Apr
Work Cited Rhino Wars: The Violent World of Poachers and Black Market Medicine Photograph. National GeographicWeb. 25 Apr The Dwindling Animal Kingdom Photograph. n.p. Web. 25 Apr dwindling-animal-kingdom/. Well-equipped rhino poachers elude South African troops Photograph. The Washington TimesWeb. 26 Apr