WORKSHOP, Nicosia 2-3rd July 2008 “Extension of SAFETY & QUALITY Common Requirements to the EMAC States” Item 10b : Proposed Way Forward Safety Regulation Juan Vázquez Sanz EUROCONTROL SRU Day 2 1
2 Way Forward Safety Regulation Work Package on ATM safety regulation: Focus on training Intended to provide skills and capabilities to exercise safety oversight in an NSA operating under SES To create a regional pool of experts at EMAC level by the end of 2010 formed by 20 safety oversight experts (4 experts x 5 countries) To create a regional pool of experts at EMAC level by the end of 2010 formed by 20 safety oversight experts (4 experts x 5 countries)
3 Way Forward Safety Regulation PREREQUISITES: The five States should choose the right people People with the appropriate background / profile Ideally, a mixture of regulatory, technical, operational background Continued commitment for 2 years A reasonable expectation of continue working in ATM safety oversight after those 2 years Two-year Programme with budget available to fund it
4 Way Forward Safety Regulation The activities proposed…
5 Way Forward Safety Regulation 2 nd half of Assessment Course on Safety Auditing Techniques (10 people) Series of 4-6 Workshops on specific NSA safety aspects (themes to be determined depending on assessment) Series of 2-4 Courses from EUROCONTROL IANS Portfolio (to be determined depending on assessment)
6 Way Forward Safety Regulation 2 nd half of Assessment Course on Safety Auditing Techniques (10 people) Series of 4-6 Workshops on specific NSA safety aspects (themes to be determined depending on assessment) Series of 2-4 Courses from EUROCONTROL IANS Portfolio (to be determined depending on assessment) To be conducted in conjunction with the safety management activities Using the Safety Maturity Framework Methodology (with some customisation) Ending with a 2 day Workshop (end 2008 or beginning 2009) to review and fine-tune the results Providing inputs to define themes to be addressed for the rest of the programme Assessment of current situation and needs
7 Way Forward Safety Regulation 2 nd half of Assessment Course on Safety Auditing Techniques (10 people) Series of 4-6 Workshops on specific NSA safety aspects (themes to be determined depending on assessment) Series of 2-4 Courses from EUROCONTROL IANS Portfolio (to be determined depending on assessment) Two Courses on Safety Audit Techniques One in 2009 – One in 2010 (5 countries x 2 participants in each course) 1 st stage: one full week of initial training 2 nd stage: training audit 3 rd stage: 3 days of training reinforcement, presentation of results from training audit and examination Possibility of organising 5 training audits (one per country) in each course with an instructor The participants would form the pool of 20 safety oversight experts at EMAC level
8 Way Forward Safety Regulation 2 nd half of Assessment Course on Safety Auditing Techniques (10 people) Series of 4-6 Workshops on specific NSA safety aspects (themes to be determined depending on assessment) Series of 2-4 Courses from EUROCONTROL IANS Portfolio (to be determined depending on assessment) 4-6 Workshops (2 days each) The 20 people engaged in the audit courses should attend all of them (or most of them) Additional attendees depending on the needs Workshops: To address specific aspects of the NSA safety oversight process, Based on practical cases With exercises in between two workshops (for the 20 people engaged in the audit courses) Series of NSA safety workshops
9 Way Forward Safety Regulation 2 nd half of Assessment Course on Safety Auditing Techniques (10 people) Series of 4-6 Workshops on specific NSA safety aspects (themes to be determined depending on assessment) Series of 2-4 Courses from EUROCONTROL IANS Portfolio (to be determined depending on assessment) EUROCONTROL IANS Courses on safety regulation Attendance to: Regular Courses in Luxembourg Customised versions of those courses delivered in Cyprus The 20 people engaged in the audit courses should attend all of them (or most of them) 2-3 Courses to be included depending on the needs Additional EUROCONTROL Courses
10 Way Forward Safety Regulation 2 nd half of Assessment Course on Safety Auditing Techniques (10 people) Series of 4-6 Workshops on specific NSA safety aspects (themes to be determined depending on assessment) Series of 2-4 Courses from EUROCONTROL IANS Portfolio (to be determined depending on assessment) At the end of 2010 The 20 participants would receive a certificate from EUROCONTROL accrediting their participation in the programme and a score Attendance to all activities planned Examination of the audit course passed Final evaluation
11 Way Forward Safety Regulation CONCLUSIONS: Programme to create pool of 20 safety oversight experts (NSA) Activities revolving about training on safety audit techniques Two-year programme Activities primarily based in Cyprus Need to: Ensure that the right participants are nominated to take part Identify the budget available for in order to proceed with a more detailed planning Need to: Ensure that the right participants are nominated to take part Identify the budget available for in order to proceed with a more detailed planning
Thank you for your attention Juan Vázquez Sanz EUROCONTROL SRU Day 1 8