MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Safety Operations at the Payload Operations & Integration Center POIC Safety January 22, 2016
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 2 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama What I need to know about POIC Safety WHY do I need to know about POIC Safety? WHO is POIC Safety & what are their roles? WHAT safety processes do I need to be familiar with? WHAT safety products will I use during real-time operations? WHAT are the day-to-day roles of POIF cadre? HOW do I access safety information?
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 3 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Why do I need to know about POIC Safety? It’s everyone’s job to keep the crew and vehicle safe! There are many hazards that payloads can introduce. The most common being: Structural Failure (Minimum torque values) Sharp Edges (Proper protective equipment) Shatterable Material Release (Inspection before removal) Electrical Shock (Remove power before mating/demating {120V}) Mate / Demate (Remove power before mating/demating {32V} or {3A}) Touch Temperature (Check temperature strip/Wait time/PPE) Toxic Material Release (Verify containment, Inspect for leakage) This presentation will cover how we manage these hazards and therefore keep the crew and vehicle safe.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 4 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Everyone needs to know the type of hazards that POIF is most interested in. EXAMPLES OF HAZARDS STRUCTURAL FAILURE SHARP EDGES TOUCH TEMPERATURE TYPES OF CONTROLS DESIGN CONTROLS TESTING CONTROLS ANALYSIS CONTROLS OPERATIONAL CONTROLS Crew Procedures Crew Training Flight Rules POIF is charged with tracking & verifying these types of controls. Why do I need to know about POIC Safety?
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 5 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Who is POIC Safety & what are their roles? POIC Safety is a group of Payload Safety Engineers structured under the MOL and POIC tasked with performing pre-increment and real-time payload operations safety for POIC managed payloads (e.g. payloads in US Segment, payloads residing in US managed Racks located in IP Segments, etc…) Primary roles of POIC Safety Advise PD’s related to operational safety issues Follow payloads through the safety life-cycle process beginning with the output of the PSRP and continuing through the life of the payload on-orbit Independently verify payload operational hazard controls are adequately implemented Track payload operational hazard controls utilizing the Payload Safety Information Database (PSID) Develop and maintain a baseline product for real-time flight controllers to use on console Provide real-time support position (on-call 24 X 7)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 6 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama What safety processes do I need to be familiar with? Primary roles of Payload Developer (PD) Complete hazard analysis identifying all credible hazards applicable to the payload. Develop Safety Data Package (SDP) and drafts hazard reports with all credible hazards and applicable controls. Examples include: Structural Failure – Require Minimum fasteners Sharp Edges – Inspection after de-burring Shatterable Material Release – Use of lexan covers Electrical Shock – Remove power prior to mating Touch Temperature – Cool Down Period Toxic Material Release – Level of Containment
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 7 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Payload Safety Review Panel (PSRP) - one board includes SRP – system reviews. The PSRP is a panel of many disciplines (NASA, JAXA, ESA) that : Includes POIC Safety Consists of representatives of electrical, materials, structures, batteries, crew office, etc… that provide expertise in their field Assesses payload design & flight operations Ensures Safety requirements are consistent with NASA policy Conducts Safety reviews (SDP & hazard report review) Evaluates Safety analysis performed by the Payload Developer Tracks verifications of all hazard controls until closure What Safety processes do I need to be familiar with?
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 8 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama POIF has responsibility to review payload SDP from an operational standpoint and coordinate comments (POD, OC, and Ops Leads) back thru JSC PSE to the PSRP. POIC Safety leads this effort. From this review, the PSRP publishes approved hazard reports used to document hazard controls & closures. The operational controls must be implemented into POIF products such as crew procedures, flight rules, and crew training. (work w/Ops Leads and POD Office) POIF could comment to the feasibility of operational controls, on-orbit maintenance operations, past anomalies & resolutions, or even fire detection & suppression issues. What Safety processes do I need to be familiar with?
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 9 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Example Standard Hazard Report
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 10 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Payload Hazard Control Matrix (PHCM) From the PSRP approved phase III hazard reports, POIC Safety extracts all operational hazard controls for payloads within POIC responsibility. POIC Safety inputs this data into the PSID, for payload, rack, and integrated hazard reports. This tracking of operational controls is the first part of our Independent Safety Verification Review (ISVR) process. It is also half of the data used to populate the PHCM report. The second phase of the PHCM development happens when payload products are submitted for baselining.(crew procedures, etc.) POIC Safety is a board member of the PODFCB and NPOCB and ensures all operational hazard controls are implemented into the payload products correctly. Operational hazard controls can also be implemented via ground command procedure (GCP), crew training & flight rules. What Safety processes do I need to be familiar with?
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 11 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama The PHCM has the following hazards control data: OP Nom (Payload acronym) Flight Hazard report number Hazard title, description, cause, control, & verification Hazard control number PHCM also tells how the control is implemented: Crew procedures…Filename, procedure title, and step number. Flight rules………Flight rule number & Title Training…………..Crew members and date trained Payload Hazard Control Matrix (PHCM) What safety processes do I need to be familiar with?
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 12 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Payload Hazard Control Matrix (PHCM)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 13 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama What Safety processes do I need to be familiar with? Independent Safety Verification Review (ISVR) The ISVR process is the independent verification of all operational hazard controls being implemented; status as a CoFR item for each flight. It is important to note, that the Payload Developer is responsible for performing the primary verification of hazard control implementation. The PHCM document contains the result of this process and is used real-time to ensure payload products changes are implemented safely, and anomaly solutions are in compliance with operational hazard controls.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 14 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Payload Organization Safety Analysis Hazard Reports Ops Controls: Crew Procedures Flight Rules Crew Training Crew Procedures Flight Rules Crew Training POIC Safety ISVR Process Procedure Review Procedure Comments FR Inputs Training Inputs Hazard Report Assessment Payload Safety Review Panel Safety Data Pack and Hazard Report Review Approval of Ops Hazard Controls Real-Time Payload Operations POIC Safety Independently Verify Ops Hazard Controls: Crew Procedures, Flight Rules, Crew Training Track Ops Hazard Controls PODFCB POIC Safety CCB Member POIC Safety Approval PSID Develop PHCM Procedures Baselined PHCM CoFR Hazard Report Updates SDP/HR Review SDP HR Comments Signed HR’s ISVR Results to MOD OCR/FN/ Chit POIC Safety Review PHCM PL Configuration Change or Systems Impact MER or PSRP Approval of Change YESNO What Safety processes do I need to be familiar with?
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 15 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Maintenance Hazard Assessments (MHA) The MHA is provided by the Payload Developer, submitted to and approved by the PSRP. Focuses on controlling hazards that result from access to nominally inaccessible components. Addresses the use of flight spare components (ORU’s ) The results of this assessment may introduce new hazards, and in turn affect the PHCM. Payload activity that requires an MHA cannot be scheduled until the MHA is approved by PSRP What Safety processes do I need to be familiar with?
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 16 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Maintenance Hazard Assessment (MHA) Topics covered by a MHA Safe Access What are the potential access paths for contact hazards? (sharp edges, accessibility, touch temp, stored energy, electrical shock) Modifying or Negating existing Safety Features/Controls What hazards can maintenance activities create? Why are the maintenance tasks safe to perform? Why is it acceptable to defeat any hazard controls during maintenance activities? Re-verification of Safety Critical Features What is the approach to verification or re-verification of Safety critical features that may be modified during maintenance and that will be required during subsequent operations? What Safety processes do I need to be familiar with?
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 17 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Example Maintenance Hazard Assessments (MHA) PL Reg. App. E. What Safety processes do I need to be familiar with?
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 18 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Validation The HAZMAT files contains summary tables of the chemical and biological materials to be flown on ISS The HAZMAT files are produced by JSC toxicology per flight, submitted for review via Flight Note, and validated by POIC Safety, OC, and PD via OCR. They determine that the HAZMAT files are accurate with regard to the: Onboard Equipment Program Manifests Part numbers/Bar Codes Approved Operations Nomenclature POIC Safety also posts the HAZMAT files for the cadre to support real-time operations For more details, refer to POH vol 2 SOP 8.3 What Safety processes do I need to be familiar with?
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 19 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama What Safety processes do I need to be familiar with?
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 20 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Required Level of Containment (LoC)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 21 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama What safety products will I use during real-time operations? Payload Hazard Control Matrix (PHCM) Documents implementation of payload operational hazard controls. Used to review crew procedures & anomalies against payload hazards. Located on the RICO website (RICO Real-Time Documents/POIC Safety). Maintenance Hazard Assessment (MHA) Assessment provided by the Payload Developer. Results of MHA may affect the hazard reports, and in turn affect the PHCM. Payload Regulation documents approved MHA and applicable baselined crew procedures Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Database Documents chemical and biological materials flown on ISS Cadre uses HAZMAT Database to support real-time operations POD, OC, POIC Safety, & PAYCOM have the software to open the.haz files posted on ‘g’ drive and PIMS.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 22 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama What are the day-to-day safety roles of POIF cadre? POIC Safety Supports real-time operations as an on-call position 24 X 7 Drafts, reviews, and dispositions Operations Change Request (OCRs) and CHITS that could affect payload safety, crew safety, or vehicle safety (which includes updated and new procedures) Updates PSID real-time to produce safety products that could be affected by OCRs Supports tiger-teams for payload safety anomalies Reviews & dispositions all PAR’s (Payload Anomaly Reports) for operational hazard control compliance POD: (Payload Operations Director) Overall responsibility for payload safety Drafts Flight Rule hazard controls Interface to Flight Director
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 23 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama What are the day to day safety roles of POIF cadre? OC: (Operations Controller) Real-time safety officer for ISS Payloads Knowledgeable of payload operational hazard controls Performs real-time safety assessments (w/ POIC Safety On-Call if needed) Monitors ISS telemetry (Temperature, Pressure parameters) Ensures implementation of operational hazard controls Provides feedback to POD DMC (Data Management Coordinator): Manages communication and tracking data handling Verifies loss of science telemetry
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 24 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama What are the day-to-day Safety roles of POIF cadre? PAYCOM (Payload Communications Manager): Liaison to ISS crewmembers and Cadre Voices up response to all off-nominal situations with ISS crew. PRO (Payload Rack Officer): Manage Payload & Rack Support Systems Advise of loss of communication to a payload Advise of rack & payload unique telemetry Hazardous Command (HC) v Critical Command (CC) – PSRP designated (Laser/EVA/Radiate) HC: if activated the wrong time could injure crew CC: a command that PSEP designate as hazardous but we call it critical
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 25 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama PSRT / PSE Payload Systems Engineer PSRT / PSE Payload Systems Engineer POD MER/S&MA Safety (JSC) MER/S&MA Safety (JSC) POIC Safety Communicate Operational Hazard Controls Maintenance Assessments Payload Anomaly Assessments SafetyCertification Expirations Coordinate immediate responses to Safety issues Anomalies impacting Safety, hazard control modifications Coordination of SOF, and systems Safety issues Review of PARs to ensure operational Safety compliance OC Payload Developers (Users) Payload Developers (Users) Official communication of Safety issues and their resolution Official off-line payload Safety support requests PSRP / PSE Payload Safety Engineer PSRP / PSE Payload Safety Engineer SDP Review SDP Comments Hazard Report Review Reflight / Anomalies PSE Coordination PODFCB NPOCB PODFCB NPOCB Signing member through which procedures are baselined and Products (PHCM) and PARD are approved. Training Ensure implementation of Training Hazard Controls POIC Safety Interfaces
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 26 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama How do I access Safety Information? Real Time Information Center (RICO) RICO is a web site that contains the current Payload Hazard Control Matrix (PHCM), and Maintenance Hazard Assessment (MHA) POIC Safety is responsible for submittal of PHCM to RICO for posting and notification to POD of any MHA. PHCM can be accessed by: RICO Real-Time Documents /POIC SAFETY and PIMS as back up MHA can be accessed by: RICO Real-Time Documents/ Payload Regs/ POIF-1190/ Appendix E
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 27 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama How do I access Safety Information? Payload Information Management System (PIMS) The Payload Information Management System (PIMS) is a database Safety utilizes to post current flight HAZMAT and PHCM files. To access HAZMAT file in EHS: PIMS/Documents/Miscellaneous/SAFETY/HAZMAT To access PHCM file in EHS: PIMS/Documents/Miscellaneous/SAFETY/PHCM.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 28 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama How do I access Safety Information? G:Drive G:Drive is a used to post HAZMAT files. G:Drive can only be accessed from computers in PCA-1 and PCA-2 To access HAZMAT files in G:Drive: G:Drive/Flight/Safety/Hazmat/ISS/(Current Flight Info)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 29 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama In Summary When you have a safety question, who should you contact? POIC Safety What Safety processes are the cadre going to have input to? Safety Data Pack (SDP) Reviews Independent Safety Verification Review (ISVR) MHA development (Payload Reg) HAZMAT Validation What safety products does the cadre use during real-time operations? Payload Hazard Control Matrix (PHCM) Maintenance Hazard Assessment (MHA) in the Payload Regulations Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Database How do I access safety information? PHCM is posted to RICO website. MHA info is in Appendix E of Payload Regulations HAZMAT is posted in PIMS and ‘G’ drive
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 30 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Acronyms CCCritical Command CoFRCertificate of Flight Readiness DMCData Management Coordinator GCP Ground Command Procedure HAZMATHazardous Materials HC Hazardous Command ISVRIndependent Safety Verification Review ISSInternational Space Station JSCJohnson Space Center (Houston) LoCLevel of Containment MERMission Evaluation Room MHAMaintenance Hazard Assessment MODMission Operations Directorate NPOCBNASA Payload Operations Control Board OCOperations Controller OCROperations Change Request PARPayload Anomaly Report PAYCOM Payload Communications Manager PDPayload Developer PHCMPayload Hazard Control Matrix PODPayload Operations Director PODFCBPayload Operations Data File Control Board POICPayload Operations Integration Center PROPayload Rack Officer PSIDPayload Safety Information Database PSRPPayload Safety Review Panel PSRTPAR Status Review Team PSE PSRP Payload Safety Engineer PSE POIC Payload System Engineer RICOReal-time Information Control Office S&MA Safety and Mission Assurance SDPSafety Data Package SRPSystems Review Panel
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 31 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Acronyms CoFRCertificate of Flight Readiness DMCData Management Coordinator GCP Ground Command Procedure HAZMATHazardous Materials ISSInternational Space Station ISVRIndependent Safety Verification Review LOCLevel of Containment MERMission Evaluation Room MHAMaintenance Hazard Assessment MODMission Operations Directorate MOLMission Operations Laboratory NPOCBNASA Payload Operations Control Board OCOperations Controller OCROperations Change Request ORU Orbital Replacement Unit PAR Payload Anomaly Report PAYCOM Payload Communications Manager PD Payload Developer PHCM Payload Hazard Control Matrix POD Payload Operations Director PODFCB Payload Operations Data File Control Board POIC Payload Operations Integration Center POIF Payload Operations Integration Function PRO Payload Rack Officer PSID Payload Safety Information Database PSRP Payload Safety Review Panel RICO Realtime Information Control Office S&MA Safety and Mission Assurance SDP Safety Data Package
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 32 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Contacts Raymond Moore Mitchell Moore Michael Long Steven Burchell Mitchell MooreTeledyne Brown Engineering Raymond MooreTeledyne Brown Engineering Steven BurchellARES Michael LongARES
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 33 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Contacts Wesley Martin ARES Corporation Clarence Bostic ARES Corporation Alaine Dempsey ARES Corporation Andrew WaltersTeledyne Brown Engineering thomas.a.walters- Clarence BosticAlaine DempseyAndrew Walters