Audits & DOE Walkthroughs ISO and OHSAS surveillance audits August 18 th – 20 th –CD, ESH&Q, and FESS organizations to be audited Software Quality Assurance (SQA) implementation audit –ESH&Q Section conducting audit between now and end of September –Audit will be a questioner identifying current level of implementation –Questioner will be sent to all program managers to complete –Audit must be complete and sent to DOE by end of September DOE Walkthroughs 14 August 2014John E. Anderson Jr.| Department Heads Meeting1
DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop Accelerator Safety Order Implementation Guide approved 1 August 2014 Steps to Commissioning or Operations 1.Radiation Shielding Assessment – ESH&Q Director Approval 2.Safety Assessment Document Chapter – Director Approval 3.Accelerator Safety Envelope – DOE Fermi Site Office (FSO) Approval 4.Accelerator Readiness Review – Performed by Lab monitored by DOE 5.DOE FSO approves the beginning of commissioning or transition to routine operations Emphasis on Accelerator Readiness Reviews (ARR) –Deputy Director for Field Operations Joe McBrearty and Acting Director, Office of Science Pat Dehmer spoke to the importance of ARRs 14 August 2014John E. Anderson Jr.| Department Heads Meeting2
ARR Purpose To provide a means to verify that an accelerator facility’s Personnel, Documentation, & Equipment are adequate to support Commissioning and/or Routine Operations. Conducted by the Contractor and requires that DOE ensure that it was conducted in a manner of appropriate scope and depth to provide a basis for approval for starting commissioning or routine operations activities. An ARR is not a method for achieving readiness, but for verifying it. 14 August 2014John E. Anderson Jr.| Department Heads Meeting3
ASO Guide ARR Section Areas of Emphasis Over the 2005 Guide –Preparing for an ARR in order to achieve readiness –Conducting a Performance Based ARR –Conscientious determination between single and combined Commissioning & Routine Operations ARR –During Operations, conditions or facility modifications justifying conducting an ARR 14 August 2014John E. Anderson Jr.| Department Heads Meeting4
ARRs’ are Performance Based DOE added renewed emphasis for ARR to include Performance based verifications of readiness –LL from events at other laboratories Miss-Steer Beam Loss Event at NSLS-II JParc Target –JLab, Fermilab, BNL recent ARRs –ARRs Peer Review w/ DOE/HQ Oversight Emphasis added that Contractors Internal Readiness Plan not a substitute for ARR verification 14 August 2014John E. Anderson Jr.| Department Heads Meeting5
Conscientious determination of Commissioning vs. Routine Operations ARRs always precede Commissioning Activities. Commissioning Activities can be done in phases or modules for large accelerators as long as the ARRs are incremental. At the end of incremental Commissioning the accelerator is ready for final ARR for Routine Operations. Alternately, for less complex facilities, contractor may request a combined commissioning/routine operation ARR w/ DOE agreement. 14 August 2014John E. Anderson Jr.| Department Heads Meeting6
Conditions or Facility Modifications Justifying Conducting an ARR More guidance is provided on When to conduct an ARR –A new module to an existing facility is constructed –A substantial upgrade or change to an existing facility –Resuming operation of an existing facility that has be shut down for extended period of time In general major additions or modifications require an ARR Contractor focused reviews to support minor modifications (Instrument Upgrades, etc.) through Instrument Readiness Reviews (IRRs) with prior agreement and process review. –Experimental ORC Reviews NML, PXIE, G-2, Mu2e will all need ARRs –Complexity of ARR yet to be determined 14 August 2014John E. Anderson Jr.| Department Heads Meeting7
FESHM & FRCM Chapter Revisions Under Revision –FESHM – 8025Wastewater Discharge To Sanitary Sewers –FESHM – Polychlorinated Biphenyls –FESHM – 5051Hazard Communication –FESHM – 5091Hazard Control Ventilation Out for Review –FESHM – 5103Respiratory Protection –FESHM – 5066Fall Protection Clarified language on inspection of systems 14 August 2014John E. Anderson Jr.| Department Heads Meeting8
FESHM & FRCM Chapter Revisions Comment Resolution Sent for Approval Approved 14 August 2014John E. Anderson Jr.| Department Heads Meeting9