Read out each tone in fun ways Practise tones in a tongue twister Practise tones in words
ā 1st á 2nd à 4th a à 3rd Read out four tones with emotions la…la… What? Really? No!
āàáà a Read out four tones by moving head
mà ma Read out the following syllables with tones mā mámà mum hemphorse to scold
ba Read out the following syllables with tones eight to pulltarget dad bà bā bá bà
妈妈骑马, 马慢, 妈妈骂马 Read out the tongue twister m ā ma qí m ǎ, lit. mum rides horse m ǎ màn, lit. horse slow m ā ma mà m ǎ. lit. mum scolds horse m ā ma qí m ǎ, lit. mum rides horse m ǎ màn, lit. horse slow m ā ma mà m ǎ. lit. mum scolds horse
Ài'ěr lán Sū gé lán Wēi'ěr shìYīng gé lán Read after me…country names Fǎ guó Xī bān yá Jiā ná dà É luó sī Yì dà lì Mǎ lái xī yà
Ài'ěr lán Sū gé lán Wēi'ěr shìYīng gé lán You read…country names Fǎ guó Xī bān yá Jiā ná dà É luó sī Yì dà lì Mǎ lái xī yà
Watch the video, “tones exercises” where you can test your listening on different tones and have further practice of tones in sentences. Check L197 coursebook session 1 for language note ‘tones’ Listen to L197 online Pronunciation Guide (Week 1 study Planner) Check L197 coursebook, session 3, activity 3.4 for country names
Acknowledgment: All the pictures in use are taken from Microsoft PowerPoint or Google images (free to use or share) Produced by Zhiqiong