Building a big periodic table- Physical Science. Suggestions: You may want to punch your folder so it will fit into a binder. Do this before you glue.


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Presentation transcript:

Building a big periodic table- Physical Science

Suggestions: You may want to punch your folder so it will fit into a binder. Do this before you glue in your periodic table inside of it. Make sure to cut it where told and be careful to not cut any information.

Cut your periodic table along lines shown in red below (you should have 4 pieces)

Glue your pieces carefully into the correct locations in the folder- avoid any holes you made! Place Hydrogen in the middle in line with where it was….

Coloring!!!! You’ll be coloring specific areas of your table I don’t care what color you use for each area, but it can not be the same as another area. Somewhere off to the side or above your table you need to make a key for what each color represents. Give plenty of space for this. Color in light enough that you can still read the information that’s on the table.

First let’s color the alkali metals- this is the first column on the left (except hydrogen)- Be sure to place the color and name in your key!

Hydrogen is special (we’ll talk why later). It gets its own color. Color it separate from everything else.

Next we’ll color the “alkaline earth metals”- these are the elements in the 2 nd column.

Next we’ll color in the “chalcogens”. This is oxygen’s column

Now for the “halogens”. This is fluorine’s column

The “noble gases” is next on the list. This is the far right column.

Next we’ll fill in the “transition metals”. This is a large block in the middle of the table.

The last area we need to color in goes by multiple names. We will call them by two different names at times. They’re the “inner transition metals” or the “rare earth metals”

The next thing we need to do is place the “zig-zag line”- We’ll talk about it’s importance later.

You’re done with the periodic table!! We’ll add more information to it next week. Leave space inside of it for additional information. On the back of your folder, I would highly suggest gluing the sneaky-snake chart. This chart will be highly useful on your next exam. Feel free to color in the chart if you wish. Decorate the front however you wish (appropriately). Make sure your name is somewhere on it that’s big and obvious for me to see.

When you’re done…… Work on the homework that was assigned that is due on Monday. Decorate your table however you wish. Make sure everything is picked up and placed where it belongs at the end of the day!