I believe that mathematical reality lies outside us, … our function is to discover or observe it, and that … which we describe … as our 'creations' are simply our notes of our observations. (G.H.Hardy, London 1941)
CPD 3 CREATIVE NUMERACY 13 May 2008 Venus Carew “I am interested in mathematics only as a creative art.” (G.H.Hardy, London 1941)
Fire alarm Location of conveniences Delivery times Group work Any other questions? Health and Safety I believe that mathematical reality lies outside us, … our function is to discover or observe it, and that … which we prove, and which we describe... as our 'creations' are simply our notes of our observations.
What is Creativity? Creativity is a mental process involving generation, or of discovering new associations between existing ideas or concepts. An alternative, more everyday concept of creativity is that it is simply the act of making something new.
Creative Introductions And mini white boards Introduce your partner using their numbers
Learning objectives: By the end of the session you will have: Identified 5 types of teaching activity A tool box of ideas and useful resources to with your numeracy learners Used smart notebook and its gallery to produce a short numeracy session. Produced your action plan to deliver a more effective numeracy learning for your learners.
Maths energiser Has anyone brought a starter/energiser? Which one is the odd one out?? 32, 36, 45
Towards more active learning approaches What do you remember from Creative Numeracy 1 and 2?
Five types of teaching activity Towards more active learning approaches Help learners to adopt more active approaches towards learning To develop more connected and challenging teaching methods. The approach is based on many years of research in the FE sector.
Classifying mathematical objects In this type of activity, learners study objects carefully, and classify them according to their different attributes. Learners have to select an object, discriminate between that object and other similar objects (‘what is the same and what is different?’) and create and use categories to build definitions.
Interpreting multiple representations Mathematical concepts have many representations: word, diagrams, algebraic symbols, tables, graphs and so on. These activities are intended to allow these representations to be shared, interpreted, compared and grouped in ways that allow learners to construct meanings and links between the underlying concepts.
Evaluating mathematical statements These activities offer learners a number of mathematical statements or generalisations. Learners are asked to decide on their validity and give explanations for their decisions. Explanations usually involve generating examples and counter-examples to support or refute the statements
Creating problems In this type of activity, learners are given the task of devising their own mathematical problems. They try to devise problems that are both challenging and that they know they can solve correctly. Learners first solve their own problems and then challenge other learners to solve them.
Analysing reasoning and solutions These activities are designed to shift the emphasis away from ‘getting the answer’ and towards a situation where learners are able to evaluate and compare different forms of reasoning
Must be lunch time!! Collaboration Networking Reflection on articles/activities/ideas
Resources for learning In your group make a list of resources used in a numeracy class Identify the top 3 you would use specially to enhance quality of your teaching and students’ learning.
Resources for learning Posters Used to display the final product Can be used to promote collaborative thinking They can be the learning activity Suggest a use for a poster activity
Resources for learning Mini-whiteboards Can be used to aid whole group discussion Allow the teacher to ask questions: Show me Allows all learners to present a range of written and drawn responses Answers can be quickly wiped out!! Suggest a use for a poster activity
Show me Questions! Mini-whiteboards Show me: 1)Two fractions that add to 1 2)Now show me a different pair 3)Show me a number between 0.5 and 0.6 4)Now between 0.5 and )Name of something that weighs between 0.1kg and 1kg 6)A shape with an area of 12 sq units and perimeter of 16 units 7)A number between 1/3 and 1/4
Enhance teaching and learning of some of the more difficult concepts Good for varying learning styles Provides change of activity ICT and Computer Software Spreadsheets for producing charts and graphs (Excel) Tarsia Smart Notebook
Am I going to use any of these ideas, strategies and activities? Have I got all I need to deliver an effective, connected and challenging numeracy session?
To interest, engage, recall, assess, focus Also to: Extend thinking, promote reasoning, problem solving, thinking, evaluation and reflection. Why do we ask questions?
Group Creative Activity Plan a session: Think of a session you will be teaching in your own setting Use some of the ideas and activities discussed here to produce a draft lesson plan
Action planning How can we make our sessions more effective using better questioning skills and common misconceptions to promote effective learning.
Evaluation and Reflection Please complete evaluation sheets Identify areas of training needs Keep a note of your action plan Any questions please?
What is the answer to the universe? And a must read article about the Beauty of Maths BBC NEWS | Magazine | The beauty of maths
And very Finally Congratulations for attending Creative Numeracy 2!! BE HAPPY AND KEEP SMILING We hope you enjoyed your time here and benefited from the session
Once upon a Time 11 was a race horse 12 was race 1 day I need a new mind set to do this puzzle!