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Genetic Engineering and Its Results Transgenic Organisms Cloning 10 Points 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Points10 Points10 Points10 Points 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Enzymes, Gel, Sequencing, PCR Selective Breeding
An animal that has been selectively bred for over 15,000 years
What is a dog?
Choosing individuals with desired characteristics to produce the next generation
What is selective breeding?
This is a selectively bred plant.
What is a sunflower, corn, strawberry, etc??
A reason why inbreeding causes health issues
What is “recessive alleles combining?”
The chances that two related dogs heterozygous for deafness (Dd) will have offspring that are deaf.
What is 25%?
Six steps that genetic engineers must complete
What is Extracting, cutting, sorting, sequencing making copies and transforming cells?
The method that better predicts the genotype of offspring (choose either genetic engineering or selective breeding)
What is genetic engineering?
A reason scientists use gel elctrophoresis
What is to compare DNA across species, across humans, and at crime scenes?
The speed that large fragments of DNA travel through electrophoresis gel.
What is slowly?
The method used to transform a plant cell.
What is 1.Remove bacterial plasmid. 2. Add gene to plasmid. 3. Put plasmid back into bacterial cell. 4.Allow bacterial cell to infect plant cell, leaving plasmid in plant cell. 5.Allow plant cell to divide.
The place on a DNA sequence where a restriction enzyme cuts
What is a recognition sequence?
This charge of a molecule of DNA causes it to move away from a electrical current
What is negative?
The enzyme used in the Sanger method of DNA sequencing
What is DNA polymerase?
ACGT 5_____ The sequence of the DNA sample
What is TACGC?
The reason genetic engineers use PCR
What is to make millions of copies of DNA?
This word describes a living thing that has the DNA of a different living thing
What is trasnsgenic?
A word with the same definition as “transgenic.”
What is Genetically Modified?
This word refers to the DNA of a GM organism
recombinant? What is
This organism produces human insulin
What are bacteria?
Bt corn was created using a gene from this living thing.
What is Bacillus thuringiensis (bacteria)?
This animal was the first to be cloned
Who is Dolly the Sheep?
Cloning occurs when this organelle is placed into a donor cell
What is the nucleus?
Dolly shares this much DNA with the sheep who gave birth to her
What is 0%?
The process of cloning
What is 1.Nucleus removed from donor cellNucleus removed from donor cell 2.Nucleus put into egg cell that hasNucleus put into egg cell that has had nucleus removed 3. Cells are “shocked” 4.Embryo grows 5. Embryo put into sheep ?
The percentage of DNA you would share with your clone
What is a 100%?
Good luck!
The top three GM crops planted in the US
What is soybeans, corn and cotton?